I made a very hard game like thing:
Insane MouseCan you pick your mouse out of 2000 others on a 1024*768 res while it can wrap around the dispay?there are 6 ways I can think of….use the secret key to make it flash (^____^)Find one with lowest depthtask managerfind where it wraps horizontaly and verticly around the screen.pick a random thing and see if it reacts to the cash button.get the gm6 from my files and screw around with it.errr… yeah.I'm doing ok at SSBM… i'm good with the small characters, *jiggely puff, kirby, and pikachu (pichu is emo-like?).Only 700 vs matches left untill I get all the characters =)I hate how the physics with gravity is all wrong; unless the air is super-thick, all characters should fall at the same speed.. My dead body is worth $4,320….. http://i-am-bored.com/bored_link.cfm?link_id=25006I got to level 7 in the hack test… Right now I'm finishing this blog..http://i-am-bored.com/bored_link.cfm?link_id=25071mmmk me done I thinks.
i got $4,320 :O same as _Player_
creepyI'm pretty good at SSBM, can kill three Bowser level 9 CPUs with Mario.
But they have to be on different teams.I see nothing wrong with the physics, but you are right, some characters fall much harder than others.It's amazing how Mario can to tons of backflips when he's so fat…