No formatting in blog titles! XD And also, only BB64 tags work in them.
Ugh, more of these?
Ah, calamnity!
<a href="http://64digits.com/users/index.php?userid=_Player_&cmd=comments&id=2970#top">Back to top[=D]</a>
There's a BB64 tag for URLs Player.
hey you copied my id crisis one!
A medium-sized creature.
No formatting in blog titles! XD And also, only BB64 tags work in them.
Ugh, more of these?
Ah, calamnity!
Unbalanced!Oxymoron!Freudian!Search for perfection!Search for perfection 2!<a href="http://64digits.com/users/index.php?userid=_Player_&cmd=comments&id=2970#top">Back to top[=D]</a>
There's a BB64 tag for URLs Player.
hey you copied my id crisis one!