Life, Love, and [DoC]

Posted by omicron1 on Dec. 7, 2006, 6:24 p.m.

OPoll Results: Two people responded (not nearly enough for an accurate interpretation), but both of them said Eric would be wrong, rather than Erin. I wonder why. Could it be that people are afraid of saying that a girl is wrong? If you look at "which is wrong" questions, how many times, on average, is a female wrong, as compared to a male? In an ideal world, it should be 50/50.

Donations: I will be accepting donations shortly; I may also be selling certain models of mine… for instance, the following Well model. (prelit, culled, with texture, g3d format)

Life: Brother's birthday tomorrow. Grandmother in the hospital with a broken leg. Calculus final Monday next. Naruto. One Piece.

Love: I am clueless in this area, but in this point in particular: There is a girl in my theology class who sat next to me the last three days - each time when there were plenty of available seats. I don't know if this means anything or not, or how to tell… it's probably a coincidence. But, having never had anything approaching a girlfriend, I wouldn't know.

[DoC]: I am working on defining the gameplay guidelines that I will use to make DoC. Among them are the assertions that I want to include city building elements (such as are found in the Caesar series etc.) and military "supply lines", such as you might find in Nemesis of the Roman Empire. I also have a relatively complete unit and building list - more on that later.


DFortun81 18 years, 1 month ago

Love: I am clueless in this area, but in this point in particular: There is a girl in my theology class who sat next to me the last three days - each time when there were plenty of available seats. I don't know if this means anything or not, or how to tell… it's probably a coincidence. But, having never had anything approaching a girlfriend, I wouldn't know.
I share your pain.

omicron1 18 years, 1 month ago

… Jordan is a spamming idiot.

Rob 18 years, 1 month ago


Nathan 18 years, 1 month ago

One Piece