ascii world

Posted by omicron1 on July 20, 2007, 8:21 p.m.

aNEThing (roguelike) progress:

Metagame features:

* Game generates a 100x100 world map on first run; this map includes such varied elements as mountain ranges, deserts, lakes, forests, and rivers.

* Game generates a 100x50 area map for any tile on the overworld map on the first visit to that area. This area map accurately reflects the tile itself, even down to river deltas connecting to water sources. Area maps are saved when you leave, so you can return and find the region the way you left it.

* When you tunnel down below the ground, you can uncover fresh, unexplored regions of rocky terrain. Furthermore, you can make your own cave systems in these, in effect creating your own underground home or dungeon.

Gameplay features:

* There is a line of sight/fog of war system in place, similar to that found in games like nethack.

* Multiple interactions have been implemented. You can pick up various objects, cut down trees with sharp implements, strike flint and stone together to try to light a fire, feed that fire with wood from the trees, wait for the fire to burn down to collect the ashes, scatter the ashes by throwing them, dig a hole in the ground…

* Various interface elements have been implemented, including the inventory, cursor-based aiming, the get command, the interact command, the apply command, the use command, the throw command, the drop command…

* Interactions are loaded from a separate file for easy editing.

Next time on OmiTube: The game interface/gameplay window revealed!


Tyranic-Moron 17 years, 6 months ago

Wow, this sounds awesome. I know I hate it when people ask me this, but… any idea of when you'll release? I just really want to play it :D

omicron1 17 years, 6 months ago

The project has a (relatively) fast development rate - for example, the game has been under construction now for approx. 4 days - but I can't give any promises. There's just a huge amount of stuff left to do prior to a functional release.

Kaz 17 years, 6 months ago

Wow, that's pretty darn cool.

V 17 years, 6 months ago

Sounds sweet. :D

DesertFox 17 years, 6 months ago


<3 nethack

shadowstrike32 17 years, 6 months ago

i like it. it would be better if you didnt use ascii and actually used real graphics, though. even still, the concept is awesome.

omicron1 17 years, 6 months ago

Hey - ascii graphics are a roguelike tradition, you know…

DFortun81 17 years, 6 months ago

O_O That's awesome.

Shork 17 years, 6 months ago

Cool. This map thing could be used for a massivley multiplayer RTS. Like starcraft, but with 100 players on a map…

ludamad 17 years, 6 months ago

omicron1: Definitely, but it was only started due to technical limitations, real graphics would be a lot more precise and clear D=