Best class system evar!

Posted by omicron1 on July 24, 2007, 7:19 a.m.

…which is the claim I'm making today for my little project.


* Created character generation system

* Implemented stat/profession system for character creation (not starting items yet, though)

* Created a random dungeon generator and added dungeons to the world generator.

* Added some ten-plus monster types and some more objects

* Added object wielding

* Added effects of Strength, constitution stats. Health, melee damage, and maximum carrying weight now are all dependent on your stats.

* Fixed some bugs, increased game speed (turns calculate faster), etc.

Screen today: The opened inventory screen

My character generation has the following steps:

1. Choose your race. Choice of race has a large effect upon starting stats. Race options are:

* Human. 'Nuff said.

* Fae. A magical race with low physical attributes.

* Dwarf. A stocky, powerfully-built humanoid. Low on brainpower and charisma; high on strength and constitution.

* Synd. A race of lithe, handsome beings; but with low physical attributes and only average intelligence.

Stat points are slightly randomized for a total of 48 at this stage.

2. Choose your gender. Unlike many games, there are stat differences to be found here too:

* Males have increased STR and CON.

* Females have increased DEX and CHAR.

Stat points here equal 50 in number.

3. Choose your path. Through a series of five Decision Points, you choose your final stats, professions, and items. Unlike most games, you can choose to specialize OR to "multi-class" as much as you want - although there are bonuses for sticking to one career path.

An example of a Decision Point is:

"You spent the last four years learning to add. You have been accepted by the University. You are 14 years old.

What will you do with your life?

A. Train physically.

B. Learn your parents' trade.

C. Learn to dance.

D. Pick pockets.

E. Learn to hunt.

F. Join the army.

G. Attend the University.

I'm not going to spoil all the possible choices and effects here, or even in the game itself. In this case, I think hiding certain information from the player and only telling him what he needs to know will be quite beneficial for creating a sense of atmosphere.

4. Start the game. You are dumped down with your stats, your professions, and your items to explore the world ("And treasure!")

On the subject of professions: You can have as many as you earn. Your official title comes from the profession that you're best at; however, you can earn levels in as many professions as you want.

In this context, levels *are* gained in professions. If you kill a few hundred monsters by striking them from the shadows, you'll get pinged to a higher-level Assassin. This means you'll do better at stealth; and you'll gain a dexterity point while you're at it.

Thoughts? Opinions? Think I'm nuts? Know of a better class system? TELL ME!


Shork 17 years, 6 months ago

Hmmm… could the dungeon randomizing engine be released as a seperate engine, then modified to make an online multiplayer dungeon crawler along the lines of diable 2, but with much simpler graphics?

Tasm 17 years, 6 months ago

Dude, keep it up. That looks awesome.

ludamad 17 years, 6 months ago

I do think you're nuts, but the class system is nice. I'm just not visualizing how this will all work. Personally I'd throw away classes and just make it skill based.

omicron1 17 years, 6 months ago

It's called "MAngband."

'Sides which, the dungeon generation code I use is actually very simple. You generate a blank "rocks and boulders" map; hollow out about eight rooms (designed in sprites, then read from a surface - allowing for fancy designs); and create one path from each room to another, random room using a recursive function.

omicron1 17 years, 6 months ago

Basically, Luda, you get a series of choices of activities to do at certain ages. Depending on which one you choose, you get increased stats; increased profession levels; and extra items. Doing certain choices repeatedly can unlock extra choices (for instance, going to school from age 6 to age 14 will unlock the University choice, allowing you to train to become a Wizard, Monk, or Priest.

Of course, after that you can always train physically (giving yourself an STR and CON boost) or go off hunting (for the DEX and a bow); but you can't join the military, as that option is only available during the age 14 Decision Point.

melee-master 17 years, 6 months ago

Sounds awesome.

Theodore III 17 years, 6 months ago

It does sound awesome, keep it up, I hope you finish it :D

ludamad 17 years, 6 months ago

Hmm, if I were you I'd make each race have seperate female and male stats. Maybe the female fae are actually the hardier ones, and the dwarven females would keep the increase to char but have more con instead of dex. I don't know about the synds.

I see you are using the same stats as Dungeons and Dragons, will the game be based off its combat system?

Shork 17 years, 6 months ago

Female dwarves have beards.

omicron1 17 years, 6 months ago

I'll think about separate race-gender combination stats…

I've never played D&D, per se - just a little computerized Baldur's Gate 2. My main influence here comes from NetHack and its ilk; but I am making my own systme for combat, rather than taking it from another game.