The Pass: The Progress Report

Posted by omicron1 on March 19, 2008, 10:37 p.m.

So, what I have so far for my contest entry:

* Full-motion 3d-rendered logo video

* Working, stylized menu system

* Many, many rendered images (About 20 thousand, all told)

* Hero creation and random hero generator for AI

* Fully-working AI

* Basic scenario setup system - it works for single player scenarios; I don't know about multiplayer, although the functionality is there.

* New scenery graphics. Sunflowers and bushes so far. At least 4 other types of scenery to come.

* Lots of music.

* 2 maps.

* Working minimap

* Runs great on computers from the last 3 or 4 years

* 3 Races; 3 Classes; 9 Deities; 27 Spells

Above: A Greek raiding party amidst a field of sunflowers.

What's to come:

* 8 or so more maps

* Fully-tested, Reflect-enabled multiplayer

* Spells, stats, and skills affect gameplay

* Option to choose graphical LOD for high-quality computers

I really feel like I have a good chance to win this one. But good luck to all entrants anyway.


Mush 16 years, 10 months ago

Sounds awesome so far.

My only suggestion would be to make sure all the features are full explained in a tutorial or something. I always seem to give up when playing a game with too many features that I don't know how to use before enjoying the actual gameplay.

Just my 2 cents.

omicron1 16 years, 10 months ago

I figure the entire game could be explained on a loading screen. The concept really isn't that hard to grasp, even if it looks it at times. Basically, it's either an action game with companion armies, or an RTS with hero control and simplified construction. With this project, as with my previous one, I'm trying for extreme simplicity - even in a generally complex genre.

For instance, the entirety of your army control is done with the right mouse button (move troops around), the "Q" button (call nearby troops to follow you), and the "E" button (Release all selected troops).

Movement is the standard WASD configuration.

Construction is simply pressing the number key (0-9) corresponding with the icon at the top of the screen.

And that's the controls in a nutshell.

Gamer3D 16 years, 10 months ago

As a suggestion, bro., I think you might want to make the terrain fit the units.

omicron1 16 years, 10 months ago

As a suggestion, sycophant, I think you might want to leave my terrain generation methods alone. They work perfectly well. Also, stop addressing me as "brother" whenever you post. I know that already.

Flea1991 16 years, 10 months ago

omicron, Sir, you seem to be the elder sibling. Am I correct? Or do you not even know that user in person?

RetroVortex 16 years, 10 months ago

You know, looking at a distance,

those soldiers kinda look like penguins!!

Seriously, though, looks good, keep it up!!

omicron1 16 years, 10 months ago

->Flea: I am.

Gamer3D 16 years, 10 months ago

I wasn't referring to the terrain generation. Change the look of the terrain.