softpedia likes my games

Posted by orange08 on Feb. 25, 2012, 6:14 p.m.

So, anyway, I was recently googling my games and my name (orange08) in google, trying to see all the famousness I had been receiving and stuff. Feeling pretty full of myself.

I was shocked when I went to this one Softpedia link and found almost all of my games on this "Orange08 games" profile.

Softpedia didn't even ask me if they could post my games. I do find some of their descriptions of my games amusing though, but some of them they just copied descriptions from the places they took my games from.


This has probably happened to a lot of people who use GameMaker… try googling your name/games and you may be shocked at what you find! (And realize how famouse you are!)



firestormx 13 years ago

Not bad. It's better than them saying "the publisher is 64Digits".

colseed 13 years ago

First result: YoYoGames profile

4th result: 64digits profile

2nd result: real estate listing


orange08 13 years ago

I just wish they would have asked me first and said something like "Your games are so awesome can we put your epicness on our site?"

JuurianChi 13 years ago

Softpedia didn't even ask me if they could post my games.
When I was managing freesoftcity, they had a policy "free is free". Sites like these do not care for permission.

They just want to take away your personal viewership for themselves.

Moikle 13 years ago

I found that the reason I couldn't use my normal username for twitter is because of someone called m

Matthew Ikle

sirxemic 13 years ago

I don't remember publishing this game under my real name -

Alert Games 13 years ago

Put a link on the menu of your game to your website and Bam! free publicity.

Mordi 13 years ago

My name is unfortunately not very effective when it comes to googling myself, as it 's a term that can be used in Norwegian. I have found a lot of random youtube-videos that use my music, though. Found a couple of new ones just now, actually!

LAR Games 13 years ago


Man, that is too similar….

EDIT: Man, he even has a game on Xbox!

Astryl 13 years ago

Heh. I've got two pages on Softpedia. Mega and Mega Mega (For twice the Meganess). I had to bully them into linking to my 64digits profile…