noticability? Why and how?

Posted by paul23 on Sept. 9, 2007, 5:26 p.m.

We all want it, only a few get it.. to be noticed when we release something, to get actually some feedback, to recieve some recognition, some respect for creating something nice!

wether it be in blogs, in questions at the gmc or games posted anywhere, it really feels nice to get appreciated.

However some aren't, why? People say: you will be noticed if you make some quality game, and post quality posts. Well I would rather say: you won't be noticed if you make quality games and posts.

This may look like a rant.. Maybe it is - I don't know, but I really posted this get some feedback (like always, but never really recieved ;) ).

Just take my perftest for example, as far as I know I never really post in "leetspeak" and I try to speak in full sentences in correct english. (though I may fail at the structure since I'm Dutch from origin). - And my program is only rated 2 10's and 1 9.. Yet it's completely ignored - only downloaded 50 times in a whole year! How does this come, don't people want this kind of stuff (I guessed that was the case?)?

Or take my just released game "morewar" for example (didn't bother to post it here yet): the gmc topic got only 1 reply in 2 days! - and it was actually played 10 times.. Why, was my topic written the wrong way?

-create an original game than dtod - done

-use game description - done

-add some screenshots - done

-add a known bugs list - done

-add a mirror download link - done

Was my game really that bad? Or are those genres soo overcrowded and not liked (top down shooters)? I really don't understand this.. Or am I just a noobish person who posts noobish stuff?

Also my blogs, some people get like 64 replies the first second they post it. I'm happy if I get any, why?

Well thanks for listening and why I didn't post my game here yet? - cause I never really recieved feedback, I don't know if it's really worth the effort of publishing games anymore, maybe I should just keep them for myself and my brothers/friends.

(still I would really like if you went to my topic and actually give me some advice for improvement on my game url=]"morewar"..)

But why?


Graydon 17 years, 5 months ago

Post your game here and see the feedback that you get from it.

paul23 17 years, 5 months ago

lol would love to, yet my "perftest" got completely 0 downloads during the time it was at the top list :P - the only time it got downloads when I showed people they should use it to test some functions.

might submit it anyway :P - in the mean time it's: here

Kenon 17 years, 5 months ago

On 64digits, it's providing flashy screens and making a trademark for yourself to be respected.

Second, MARKETING. You market with FLASHYNESS. See, people like pretty colors.

Third, once you make a name for yourself, put your name on everything you make.

Rez 17 years, 5 months ago

In gamemaking, there's only two ways to be truly noticed: originality and overall greatness. Look at the Johnny Series and Seiklus, one is obviously better but they're both pretty well known.

paul23 17 years, 5 months ago

@kenon, Some sarcasm there? :P - Well I agree, sadly (I HATE flashing graphics, would like for example to ditch my current avatar but it's the only recognition I ever recieve).

@shadowyoshi: Was that aimed especially at me? Sorry then will recheck my post :P

@REZ: I knew, yet I hope to get my originality at the point I'm strong: programming - I always try to make soemthing "new" in my game programming wise.. Well maybe I should move on from gamemaking then, since the only thing I can do is (RTS) AI's - and at the things I try to do now just mean only turned based games are possible.

@twilson: thanks for checking out my game (though I would reply here, seems like you would check this earlier then my game :P). Well I can't disagree with you, part of why I uploaded the game was because I became too boring playing it and I was wondering if it was worth continuing with this game, thanks for pointing me on the real facts (which I actually knew but tried to forget)!

Well seems like I lack 2 important (but not often said) aspects: creativity and artistic talent.. Maybe I'm just a dull person :P.

RoyalSmacketh 17 years, 5 months ago

melee-master 17 years, 5 months ago

A lot of this kind of thing has to do with how you present the game. If you present it with a nice thumbnail, nice screenshots, and a perfectly typed and styled description, chances are it'll get noticed.

noshenim 17 years, 5 months ago

Advertise your stuff ahead of time =).

Like PLatformed =).

Graydon 17 years, 5 months ago


Josea 17 years, 5 months ago

Advertise your stuff ahead of time =).

Like PLatformed =).