Hio 64Digits. My first post here! I've gotta tell you how it's going with my recent project . I've been working on Space Triangle for a little while and its come up to a pretty cool engine. I just started the menu today, and I've finished flaring stars and a few background elements. I'm getting closer to the actual game now, so I'm thinking a bit more about game play apsects to ensure it's enjoyability. I don't have a complete concept for the story though, not yet. Basicly, your just some guy in a triangular space ship trying to save the universe eh.
One aspect I want to apply is the feeling of a being in a real time spacescape. Glowing clouds of space dust, twinkling stars, and strange planets floating around. Another thing I want is really cool looking weapons, so I've used a decent amount of particles. I just hope I don't go overboard with them.Here's a screen shot:http://64digits.com/users/pieperson/Screen7.PNG
Welcome to the wonderful land of the mystic baby eating psychopaths!
Also, short blog. :PWelcome to 64Digits! May your good fortune be as large as melee-master, and your troubles as few and far between as canadonian's logins.
The game has potential, but you might want to develop a story.
@F1ak3r: XDI shall pass on the same message that was given to me when I was welcomed:
Welcome to 64Digits: leave your sanity in the red box by the door, and good luck with the game making. :)Heh
Since I fought the mutant cheez-its with my pillow vision
It doesn't look pretty.
I'm sorry to inform you that I painted it red with the blood of Morgan Freeman, and that it's starting to fade.
Come here, Bryan…Wow, I'm suprised I got this many comments overnight. Thanks!