Sorry guys, there were more for a competition than there were for a collaboration, and it seems to be the easiest thing to do. I just thought I'd throw out some ground rules and see what you all think. Again, I don't think I'll be hosting this, so anyone serious about hosting/judging/participating in any way, SPEAK NOW OR FOREVER HOLD YOUR PEAS.So, the rules would be:1. You cannot use tracks from previous works. They may be used as inspiration, but it cannot be the same song. (Meaning don't change a note in each song and submit that for the contest)2. As you enter yourself as a participant, make sure to let us know what your preferred genre will be. You can change this at any time until you are 2 weeks into the competition (This will be a 3-week long compo, because I know a new semester just started).3. The song can be any file type, as long as judges can listen to it and you can prove that all of the songs are yours (or even that it is your remix on a song). It is going to be this way because you can't put mp3 files into this site's file manager. (any better ideas on this one are welcome. if everyone has access to a certain site, then that will be where the songs will be submitted)3. You can use any and all music that you make in this competition for your V4D entry as well. (Cyrus says so.)The theme is: ADVENTURE! ————————————————————————————————————-Participants: - Kamira ~ euphonium solo- Link2x101- JuurianChi ~ JuurianChi- Acid ~ Urban Electronica- MMORPGguy ~ Acoustic Punk Rock (?)- colseed (mehbeh) ~ contemporary- Mega- Iasper ~ Classical Disco- Alert Games ~ electronic/video game/synths- sir Xemic- Kilin ~ Orchestral & such hybrids- blackhole ~ electronica- AND ESPECIALLY STEVENUP- anthonyloprimo ~ game- Qwilderwibben ~ clasically electronic dubstep- hel ~ psychadelic (if you didn't know by his avatar already)——————————————————–I AM NOW HOSTING. BAHAHA.So the dates.January 27: Competition officially begins.January 28 - February 16 HAVE FUN WITH THAT, make sure to keep me updated on any changes in genre or participation statusFebruary 17 Judging begins (oh yeah, I need some judges) and fun things begin to happen. Bahaha. There, done. I'll get into detail later. Byee!________________________________JUDGES- Juju- blackhole- Alert Games (?)Any people who want to be judges pleeeeeaaaaaasssseeeee tell me soon or I will hire band nerds to listen to your music like monkeys and they will be tired and angry from not being able to play their tuba sooIF YOU'RE TOO LAZY TO WRITE A SONG….…be a judge. C: goodnight.
—————————-Music Compo!
Posted by pounce4evur on Jan. 22, 2012, 9:08 p.m.
1. Mordi2. Mega3. Acid / Steve
ok, my turn. this is my adventure theme. :) song in the new set, "Psychotic Garden of Desire"I was going to throw together an entry for fun but then I heard Mordi's song and was like "Fuck."
Wow… Everybodies' music is great. I yield?
your entry is really good too Mega, i like it as much as Mordi's. i think there's some legit competition here :)
Im working on my entry still, and tomorrow ill finish and upload
Why can I only find inspiration when there isn't a contest I participate in? I feel urged to secretly try to continue on an unfinished song I've never shown to the public.
I have various songs that fit the adventure theme started but none of them is good enough for me :(
The quality of my audio might be poor since I either will be in a room with bad acoustics, or using a low quality mic. Maybe both:(
Is anyone else performing theirs, or are you all just using software?@Kamira if you can write down sheet music of yout piece and send it to me, I can turn it into a midi. Not saying it'll sound better because midi sounds suck but it will be clearer and less noisy.