If you hate cats, leave.
I remember the day we found Bity.
She was in a small, run-down house with this older couple who looked frustrated. They had cats everywhere. But Bity and her two brothers were there in the living room, running around and meowing, the most adorable things I had ever seen.
We had shown up there that day to buy one cat, because one of our cats had been run over and I wanted a kitten again. I was 10 years old.

These three little kittens were just the best things in the whole wide world. If you magically built a time machine, went back to that moment that we bought them, and told me that they were all destined to die because of a genetic disease, I still would have bought them.
Bity was my favorite. I loved all three of them, but Bity was mine because she was the runt, and she was deaf. She was special.
We started her out young and bought her a leash and collar, and started to walk her at the park and Petsmart and everywhere that cats were allowed. She loved dogs because she was deaf, and she loved people even more. She loved water, and laser pointers, and Q-Tips and rubber bands and shiny objects. She stalked every dog that my neighbor has ever had, and almost ate one of our neighbor's Chihuahuas. Bity was never afraid.
This morning, I saw a new expression on her face. She was scared. She
knew that the end was coming for her. And we took her to the vet.
The vet said, she's still not breathing well. It's Feline Leukemia, Heartworm, hereditary heart defects, it could be anything. But the point is, she's probably not going to get better. The most you can do for her is hook her up to machines and force-feed her for the rest of her life.
I couldn't do that. Bity has always been such a playful cat. She was always the one running around, chasing things, jumping on things, being a dork. To see her hooked up to machines, just a heart beating in her body rather than her running around outside, would have been worse than seeing her die.
We had her put to sleep today.
Somehow, I feel alright about this. Coming home and seeing my room empty…was a bit of a challenge. But I stand by my decision. She had this thousand-yard stare this morning that told me she was ready. So when the vet presented us with the choice…I knew I had to take it.
She was purring when they stuck the needle in her. She didn't flinch. She just looked into my eyes while I pet her and kissed her on the head, and told her (even though she was deaf) that I loved her so much, and I would miss her. I got to carry her like a baby, the way I used to carry her. I carried her that way to the room and she was gone.
Bity was my best friend. She was the perfect mixture between a cat and a human and a dog, and she'll be missed for the rest of my life. But if there's a heaven, she's there, and she's with her brother and her best friend, the neighbor's dog. And there's laser pointers and rubber bands and Q-tips and catnip and water fountains everywhere and she's going to be so happy.

See you later, 64D.
@ Toast you should get a kitten. They're the best things in the world.
@ Moikle yeah, we would walk her out on a leash because in this desert, white cats get really sunburned so they were indoor cats. But she liked being outside, so we kept her on a leash :) I'll get the bananas and be ready then, there's a couple people here that I think will try to do that.@ Iasper I'm sorry :( it's hard to lose pets this way…My family had a dog that had to be put to sleep when I was 8. Even though I wasn't too attached to it, it was very sad.
And back in middle school I had these 2 pet rats that were the coolest things ever. But practically every rat has a respiratory disease that causes it to die at about age 2 instead of 5. I only got to spend a year with one of them and a year and a half with the other, and those 2 days might be the saddest days I've ever experienced.On a brighter note, I had a friend who had a guinea pig that lived to be 8 or 9. They're only supposed to live up to 5 years. She was going bald:PI'm sorry for your losses. I've never had a rat, but my friend Ashley does. They're some of the smartest creatures I've ever met. I've noticed that they don't live very long. That's really sad…:(
We have a cat here who is a year older than I am. Her name is boots. :)I don't really like cat's in general, but I do think this it's incredibly sad to lose a pet. I don't know what I would do if I was given that choice if it was me and my dog..
I feel for you and I wish it could have ended differently for you and your cat.@ LAR Games thanks, it means a lot that you could still relate to this even though you don't like cats. :)
@ Cyrus oh gosh :( that's awful…I'm so sorry for all of your losses. When dogs and cats run away, it's the worst. We've had a lot of cats over the years, and a majority of them disappear and never come home. But I'm always confident that someone out there found them, and that they're all right. I hope that yours were this way, too. Dogs aren't really hated…there's a lot of people I know who would take them in, and fall in love with them and never report them as found. I'm sure that your dog must have tried her best to protect you, and she probably passed on happy, knowing that she had risked her life to save you. What a good dog, to do that for you…She's probably waiting for you up there now, still making sure you're alright. 11 years? Wow. We've had this batch of kittens for seven now. Simba is the last one left, one of the two brothers. The vet said that she thinks whatever it is must be hereditary, because it's claimed the other two so quickly. So I know that feeling of dread…we're kind of just supposed to make Simba happy until the day his sickness sets in, and that's an awful thing to wait for…I hope your dog makes it to 100 in dog years, and I'm sure he will as long he's happy and loved. <3Oh, since there's pictures of peaceful looking cats here already, I thought I might share a picture of a peaceful looking dog. Mine, haha.
(And yes. lol I made a wallpaper of my dog)My cat had to be put down after growing a tumor the size of a baseball on his thigh. We had it removed once, but it came back. I've lost 4 pets in the last 10 years. My first dog and cat within days of each other.
I have never cared for a pet.
…I'm sorry about your cat. Mine's a bit sick at the moment, hope she gets better.
Man, that must have been horrible. What happened? Was it a coincidence?@JuurianReally? That… Sucks. It's never too late I guess.@CyrusHaha. I don't know why, but this makes me happy.@MegaAw. What's he/she got?Shoot. My dog's making weird noises. I'm worried now…