Another Music Challenge

Posted by pounce4evur on Dec. 27, 2012, 4:38 a.m.

Hey guys. I just wanted to throw this out there, and see who's interested in, or has time for a music composition competition. Of course, this one would (hopefully) be a lot more organized than the last one, and I'll actually have time to sit down and judge this one, because I don't need to do Wintermester, seeing as I passed all my classes.







-Charlie Carlo



-Taizen Chisou










-The Avatrol






(don't anger the gods–these are PIECES.)


-January 5th (Start Date)

-January 22nd (Deadline)

Time Cap

Don't intentionally try to kill us with a 20-minute piece. If your piece runs a little long, that's fine, but please be aware of the fact that we've got to sit through and analyze every bit of your composition.


The theme is now Mystery!

**Decided to change this to a challenge, because coming up with a ranking system for music is really difficult and could prove to be unfair. Each piece will receive individual feedback, but will not be ranked or compared.



Here's a list of the entries that have been posted thus far. I am posting ALL of the links that you guys have given us. If you want to scrap a piece, update/edit it, or don't want it to be critiqued, let me know.


Who Did Iddit?

Charlie Carlo


Dead Frequency


Music for the Tip of your Tongue

Music for Fossils

Music for a Crime of Passion

Music for an Abduction

You were with me all along, weren't you.


Mystery Music Challenge 2

Mystery Music Challenge 3

Taizen Chisou

Mysterious Mysteries of Mystery



WIP Mystery

Steven's Going to Kill Me


Tower of Illusion

The Avatrol

MZX-Troventh Angle Stop 64C




9 Seconds of Inspiration




Juju 12 years, 2 months ago

Competition or no competition, you're not gonna make everyone happy.

Set a theme, set moving pictures, even set a still picture.

Just do something.

Quietus 12 years, 2 months ago

whoa whoa whoa i leave for one day and you guys are suddenly talking about an album… and YOU AREN'T MENTIONING THE ONLY VOCALIST HERE? how are you gonna hustle w/o singles? c'mon guys, you need this. don't deny yourself a good thing. here's the prize for the competition, winners gets exposure for having the best songs!

this blog is now about creating the greatest 64digits album ever.

Charlie Carlo 12 years, 2 months ago

Aw, come on! We need a unified idea. At least put in your two cents about this while telling me to shut up. :(
Pounce this is the internet, if someone's being unhelpful just ignore them and continue like nothing happened. Psshaw.

EDIT: Okay so I'm gonna give this a shot.

Here's the best way I see this happening.

We make this a jam.

Since a competition based on music is a bit off mark, unless we're going for something incredibly specific, like composing a jingle for 64Digits or something.

We pick a vague theme/mood.

I can make a poll with the suggested themes.

We can vote on the themes and have a specific theme for our jam.

'Robots' isn't very vague.

We could make an album on bootcamp or something.

We could vote on which musics are the best and that outcome could decide the placement of each piece in the track listing, assuming that's not a stupid idea.

Assuming anyone would buy this anyways.

I'll wait an hour for more people to post some theme ideas, first, and to see if everyone is in agreeance with this plan.

Juju 12 years, 2 months ago

We try to call out assholes on 64D. So, y'know, fair play to Pounce.

mr8bit 12 years, 2 months ago

Yeah, well, there are all different KINDS of robots. I dig Charlie's ideas, though.

And hel, I would LOVE to hear how some vocals sound on my tracks. If your down with a colab, so am I.

Quietus 12 years, 2 months ago

one down, the rest of the site to go!

PM whatever you think would be good with vocals. i'm pretty mid-range. also i can do screamo. :)

Charlie Carlo 12 years, 2 months ago

I just want pounce's okay so I don't dickishly hijack her blog.

pounce4evur 12 years, 2 months ago

You have my ok! As long as you're keeping this thing on some sort of track and have the other participants' vote, you are free to hijack this blog.

Also hel, that collab idea sounds pretty cool. It'd be a nice change to have lyrics, but beware! You're going to have feedback on this thing, and I can't guarantee that it'll be nice.

Charlie Carlo 12 years, 2 months ago

Alright, then pounce.

Quietus 12 years, 2 months ago

this is me dealing with novelty:

"odd meters? those are standard for me.

standard meters? that's what i do when i'm not using odd meters.

polymeters? so done.

polyrhythms? doing it in my pants right now.

normal harmonies? done.

weird harmonies? oh, definitely done.

…no …harmonies? …"

three hours later:


not saying it's a bad idea, i just have no idea what i'd do personally. XD

i went for Mystery cause that's the closest there is to spy themes ^_^