Rocky's Newz

Posted by rockyran on July 24, 2006, 1:35 p.m.

Here are some news flashes coming from me:

The last RnR (#9) was taken off the front page because it didn't tickle a Phantom Mod's fancy. Anyone that wants to read the RnR (*cricket chirps*) can do so by accessing my awesome user page.

Speaking of user pages, I changed my avatar and Banner because I was just SICK of the old ones. The new avatar and banner is living proof that Paintshop kicks Photoshop rear any day.

This morning I acquired my 250-comment badge. Sometime ago, I acquired the 20-friend badge without me noticing. I think it was sometime between today and yesterday.

Speaking of badges, DesertFox has reported that I'm superclose to meeting his criterion for a Foxbadge. I think I know what you have to do to get one, but I'm not so sure now. Suspense is killing me for some odd reason :P

Work on Project F-60 is going pretttttty well. I'm working fully on pixel art and I downloaded a program called Graphics Gale (Google it) that is 100 times better than MS Paint/GM's built-in image editor. Getting used to it takes a breeze and I've already made a bit more pixelart-y sprites for the game. I just finished programming the first boss (a lean, mean, shooting machine) and I will start programming the second stage (there will be 6 in total). It'll still take some time, but the game is coming along nicely.

So…I think that's it. Keep tuned for more Newz from me as well as RnRs (if the ___ mods don't keep putting them off the front page) and random blogs.


Kaz 18 years, 7 months ago

AHHAHAH I have a fox badge. How did I get it? No idea.

Eternal 18 years, 7 months ago

Fuck the phantom.

He did that too me too, but he completely edited the fuck out of my blog, insulting me, and then eventually deleted it. He's not even a mod.

grayfox 18 years, 7 months ago

Ahhhh, what happened to Eternal?!?

Anywho… Kaz no one gives a damn about you and your Fox Badge, so you can shut it.

Joewoof 18 years, 7 months ago

Guys, let's not piss of the evil gods of 64D. Melee won't always be there to save you. :P

GIMP kicks both Paintshop and Photoshop. Cuz it's free. :P

rockyran 18 years, 7 months ago

^Ya got me there :P