DoubleFire!! OnlineShump

Posted by s on March 2, 2008, 12:34 p.m.

Noodle said he'd prefer reading about my random dev logs than some person going to their friend's to eat pie so I figured I might as well announce it

So yes, who doesn't like rainbow bullets? I don't have to be afraid of causing seizures because the menu should of done that already. Your children will thank me in the future when I've cleansed the genepool

As for the actual game, it so far is an online shump with the regular lasers and cannons. Lasers were pissing me off, since I had to figure in sine law to do them. Online hasn't been too pissy since I tamed it, and I've got it running pretty smooth

Why the small size? Because I took on a challenging genre to do online. So I saved 2bytes and made coordinates send as bytes. Ya, I've got stuff put everywhere to make sending minimal. Takes about 6 to 10 frames for a UDP byte to cross the Atlantic. Sadly, I can't optimize the internet


I killed them

There will be no options when it comes to ships. The infinitenergy just can't survive when expected to dodge bullet patterns designed to be dodged by something that can absorb bullets. And the option thing can go get forked, because options lose when you can just use a ship that absorbs stuff

And ya, I'm getting tired of debugging everything for the little quarks between each ship



PY 17 years ago


Oh well, simplicity is a goal in and of itself, eh?

s 17 years ago

Nah, simplicity is a final result that allows me to design more rich and unique formations because I don't have to budget for the choices of the player

Castypher 17 years ago

Serprex, you're really going to have to change the title appearance. It's going to give someone a seizure. And trust me, it won't be so fun when you kill somebody.

On top of that, it's hard to read.

OBELISK 17 years ago

Serprex, you are brilliant. You know that?

PY 17 years ago

Seizures rock. end of.

2Dcube 17 years ago

I take it you were inspired by Cactus?

(Aren't we all)…

Castypher 17 years ago

PY forgot to finish his sentence. I know why.

"Seizures rock. end of…


PY hd a seizure. =) There you go, serpy.

s 17 years ago

@Obel=lol wut?

@2Dcube=While I have played cactus games, I don't see where the idea of inspiration from his games is evident. If it is the style, well, I can't sprite so I do it all with primitives

@Kilin=Dying of seizures is fun. Seriously, you get to have a high while going down. PY is very happy now

NoodleNog 17 years ago

Your children will thank me in the future when I've cleansed the genepool
That's our serpy! =D

TDOT 17 years ago

SEIZURE!!! Actually, it gave my comp a seizure when I played it. The display driver died =D