Entropy of Intelligence+meme

Posted by s on July 1, 2008, 8:55 a.m.


Given intelligence is applied with entropy, the basis should then give that when it is more distributed it is useless. This therefore implies that the feared brain drain which concentrates intelligence into a focused area is a good process. Still, to create a useful concentration which lowers the entropy of an area requires the increase in entropy elsewhere, thus the loss of intelligence from where they are being absorbed

Therefore, we need to stop trying to stop brain drains and let the intelligence focus itself into a giant laser beam that will blow up Earth with spiky hot meteors



Now then, I will silently pay my meme debt

(You really shouldn't read these things, I'm sure they're bad for your health)

Five years ago I was 11. I was entering G6 which means I was still in my long period of drone. I had premature obsessions through G6 which were of basic philosophy, classical music, any child TV show, couldn't sit through a movie, read fiction and played video games, didn't really look at life, was for the Green Party

A couple years later I was sick of philosophy because I figured it was all just jaw jabber, I was listening to squeaky MIDIs, watched Opera, could sit through a movie if ordered to, wasn't reading too much, was spending time with GM more than playing video games (besides a bit of SNES emulating), saw life as dying but no reason to pout, and was for the Green Party

(This may seem like a dark age, but I also found the internet and Wikipedia. So I sat around learning)

Now I'm interested in reading about philosophy and from that developing my own philosophy, listening to techno that isn't MIDI, TV is boring, I'll watch a movie even if it isn't a comedy (Then again, science fiction movies are still comedies), been reading again (More variety, like nonfiction), have spread my language knowledge to a variety of languages (Foundational knowledge, I'm not really one to write Lisp or Haskell code, but I understand their basis. Lisp also was a good introduction to functional programming and I've further found that beauty in Python. Anyone who reads these unfronteds already knows how often I learn a new language. As Tom said "You're learning a new language every time I talk to you, slow down"(In reply to my learning Javascript for Project Parallax(I ended up teaching him a few things about how Javascript's functional paradigm, since it has first class functions))), see life as the instantaneous beauty of entropy, and am for the more humanitarian environmental parties (Like the NDP). Oh, and I actually look into what I believe in now

Oh, and religion. Atheist, but I've been a bit more agnosticly atheist recently

@Sk8=Hobbies are for people who need to do more work



Cesar 16 years, 8 months ago

You don't really "use" or "concentrate" intelligence, since it is a term used to describe the capacity for learning above and beyond normal level.

Juju 16 years, 8 months ago

Though why one would bring calculus into the mix I'm unsure of, as am I of how you concluded that intropy remains constant in a set of people. Mind fleshing that out a little?
I brought the calculus in because I believe philosophy and maths are intrinsically linked, that you can show by maths what you can show by philosophy. It's a little stylistic thing that I seem to have invented. That's by the by. Time to explain the mathematical statement:

Intropy is constant with respect to the number of people

S = -k * N
In retrospect, I should have said "total intropy," that the total intropy of a group of is equal to the summation of the individual intropies of the members of that group. I would say that the wasteage constant is actually a product of two other factors: Communication Wasteage and Inevitable Wasteage. In one of my blogs, I set out that a segment of what we think we know is wrong, that a proportion is inherently unknowable, this is the Inevitable Wasteage. Even with perfect communication, there is still wasteage. Not sure that really explains it awfully well but you get my jist.

…that's mainly due to maintenance costs.
Is it? What about the infamous "Economy of Scale?"

Much of this is most likely due to the process of intelligences teaching each other when in contact
Agreed. Might follow the logistic algorithm or possible exponential growth, which would explain the technological singularity we're approaching.

You don't really "use" or "concentrate" intelligence, since it is a term used to describe the capacity for learning above and beyond normal level.
Normal is the average for the current time, yes? Then why can we not expand intelligence beyond today's knowledge, so that the average is increased ever higher.

Cesque 16 years, 8 months ago

Ser & Juju: Here's my view, and since I'm physicsly impaired, no equations. I'm not going to adress entropy as a measure, but rather increasing entropy as a process. The good old SLOT (Second Law of Thermodynamics) indicates that entropy in any isolated system is bound to increase. If we are dealing with an intelligent individual as a system, then by extended definition, unless they receive intelligence in some external form (interpretations debatable), their intelligence is going to deteriorate, become inefficient (unapplicable) or randomised ("let's talk about penises!") with time.

Oh, and religion. Atheist, but I've been a bit more agnosticly atheist recently

How can you be more or less agnostically atheist? Actually, I do know what you mean, but I wanted to ask this question to point out the internal inconsistence of the sentence :P

s 16 years, 8 months ago

Ya, I'd pretty well agree with you on the discussed points then

I'm atheist in that I believe everything can be explained through consistent physics. I do not believe a God can be supernatural, though perhaps supernatural to our view of natural

Cesque 16 years, 8 months ago

Where's the "agnostic" part in that? It's more of a deism or an (p)a(n)theism with a naturally defined "God" to me.

s 16 years, 8 months ago

I suppose you could say that, but I'm more explaining the part of it against atheism. I'm quite convinced that there isn't some sentient being who caused everything. But I can't be sure of what I can't be sure of, and I can't be sure there isn't. I can be sure that no religion has it right on what this hypothetical sentient being's will is though

Cesar 16 years, 8 months ago

pandimensionalism ftw!

Juju 16 years, 8 months ago

their intelligence is going to deteriorate, become inefficient (unapplicable) or randomised ("let's talk about penises!") with time.
Interesting view. I'm inclined to agree. However, if there is a sufficiently large group of people, this randomisation doesn't occur.

s 16 years, 8 months ago

Being isolated (in a way) with a large group unintelligents would cause the randomisation effect to occur. And isolated societies have shown redundancy, as seen by how much of the same stuff Asia and Europe found on their own

Juju 16 years, 8 months ago

That's called convergent development. It's probably better to compare the New World and the Old World since we can't be 100% sure what was and was not transferred between East and West.