HTML Editor

Posted by shadow382 on Sept. 5, 2006, 10:40 p.m.

What's up all my peeps?

Anyway, I started programming an HTML program in April this year and have decided to start working on it again. My goal is to create the easiest-to-use HTML editor sofar. How will I do that you ask? With your help of course. [:D]

Anyway, enough of my rambling. The real reason I'm posting this is to let everyone know beta testing is about to be ready. The first 5 people that post saying they want to be a beta tester will be one.

Beta testers will get to test the program and also get to make suggestions on what should be add/changed/removed to make this a great HTML editor.

Main Testers:

1. shadow382

2. sonic180

3. ace02

Beta Testers:






Once beta testing begins, I will make a new section on my forum, just for testers, and that's where the betas will be released.

Here's a screen shot of the editor sofar: Click Here! (That was made with the editor.)

Info on Game Maker related stuff:

I've finished the menus in Project: A.N.S.I. and now need to make the cutscene and 5 levels. Demo should be out…sometimes, dunno when though.

Wow, this is a long blog. Usually mine are very, very short.

Thanks all for now



shadow382 18 years, 5 months ago

It's being made with BASIC. leemcd56, I'll PM you. [;)]