A new little CAD project

Posted by shadowstrike32 on May 18, 2006, 3:52 p.m.

So i got bored yesterday and started to design a cathedral in autocad. Its coming along well… i expect that i have around 25% of the parts that i need to build the thing (in cad).

so anyway, here is a fully rendered piu from the cathedral, imported from AutoCAD06 to Cinema4d

Yes, this is what happens when i get bored.

[dat=Drawing Stats]Dimentions: 250' by 150' by 120'

Polygons: 2,000,000 est. on high quality.

Plan to build? Hell no.


lol i found a reason to use the dat command


shadowstrike32 18 years, 8 months ago

Thats actually a wood shader. and EST means either 'Eastern Standard Time' or 'Estimated'. And im talking about the entire cathedral scene with that count.