Sk8'z music blog²³
Ah well, here we go. What I've been listening to lately:
Waiting For the Siren's Call - New OrderI never though New Order was anything special compared to Joy Division. But this song, this album, made me reconsider, while their other stuff was just "meh" Waiting For the Siren's …FyouMate²³
Trendy faggotry. I expected hookers at this party, instead I get a bunch of noobs with anon masks for party hats. well, all cant be done.
Hmm, lest see. These are the new music albums I've been listening to lately:Penis Envy - CRASSMind How You Go - Skye …Too obscure for ya²³
Well, since all my past few blogs have been about music, I thought I would do another one :P
So this blog is a tribute to my top Punk bands in order, which is a very hard thing to do.1. The Sex PistolsMy first favorite Punk band, they …Sk8 day²³
Yeah it's Sk8day. I'm 16 now, so yeah. Candy is appreciated. I've been working overly ambitions in C++ class. I'm gonna make an adventure rpg game :P, I figured out the external load/saving already, I just need to get the console to refresh and I should be well on my …
Nedrud Relyt²³
Well here are my top favorite male and female singers, thought I would make a blog on them because I think a singer is what really holds a band together, so have fun.
Singer - Bands(s) - Song NameMale:Elvis Costello - The Attractions / Solo / a lot …People I hate²³
They say hate is the new love, might as well.
No order really:Poly:Oy Poly, fucking arsehole Red Socks fan, nah, Poly's cool, he likes good music, he writes good music, he's awesome. I've always liked his banners and avatars, and his girlfriend (well ex-girlfriend).Obie:Probably one of …Sk8 has a webcam?²³
Yeah my UStream channel is getting pretty lonely, so join it, I can insult you with my powerful insulting skills, also you can meet Kevin (fucking asshole ).
Let's see, I'll spare you a blog about how much life sucks, instead I will talk about how much life …Rock Bottom²³
Punk Rock²³
SO for English we were writing shit, about shit, so I wrote this piece of shit:
——————————————————There was a time when I used to classify myself as “Punk Rockâ€? and I still like to think about myself like that. But in this day and age it’s impossible to do …Love is...²³