An Actual Blog²³

Posted by sk8m8trix on Oct. 17, 2011, 2:42 a.m.

So, I haven't written a blog in a while, and by that I mean I haven't WRITTEN a blog in a while. None of my late blogs really had anything to do with anything, I just felt like being an asshole because believe it or not, this site actually used to be COOL. And I actually do like a lot of the members here, and a lot of people here (and people who no longer show up) are very good game makers. And to tell you the truth I'm actually happy to see you all involved in a competition (so do good and try hard or I'll be sad, and you don't wanna fucking make me sad, do you?).

So here goes, for the first blog of the rest of my life, just going to put my zune on randomize and start writing. At The Bottom of Everything - Bright Eyes

What actually made me want to write a blog is that I was looking at some of my older ones from maybe a year ago and I saw a lot of comments from old members that actually made this site what it was, almost every blog had a comment from PolystyreneMan and Obelisk. Now Poly is probably one of my favorite people on this site, he loves good music, good drugs, he's like a beautiful neon space hippie, and he makes very pretty games and nice fitting music. Like if I ever met him in real life I'd imagine he'd be a zen being like one of the guys from MGMT. Obelisk is just something else, I love that kid, we have an intense sexual relationship, he likes good music and looks like he should be on stage singing with Conor Oberst.

Enough of that old shit. Snakebite - Alice Cooper

What's been going on with me lately? Nothing, just trying not to fail out of my second year of college, been doing a lot of coding in my CS4 class, but I'm fine with that. It's all my other classes that make me want to die, I'm trying so hard not to fail those that I don't have time to concentrate on coding, I actually failed an assignment last week (along with like half the kids in my class, but that's besides the point). I wish I just had more time and motivation to make games again. I feel that my two latest projects are very promising, but I've just lost the drive to work on them.

The King Can Not Be Found - Piano Magic (check them out if you like electronic darkwave, these guys are just beautiful)

Robot Factory initially started out as me testing out a new graphic style with a cool room design engine, then I was like "fuck it, I could make a whole game in this style" and I actually used to work on it like 24/7 back in the robosquid irc channel. Now I've just lost the drive to work on it, I wish I could just find a way to wrap it up and release it right now, I've completely run out of ideas to make it fun and challenging.

Music Room is what I especially love, I finally found that high end function and room manipulation to make even the weirdest songs seem like they're properly being interpreted through musical spectrum analysis, the problem is I just really don't know what to do with it. You can move around and look in a 3d environment that makes cool colours, I need to find some way to make it appeal to the drug child in all of us.

Coquet Coquette - of Montreal

Lately I've just been expanding my vinyl collection and working on art and schoolwork, I really have no drive to do much except exist and I try to do that a beautifully as I can.

Here's my vinyl collection that I have with me at school:

Alice Cooper - Welcome To My Nightmare

Asia - Asia

the Beatles - 1962-1966

Broken Bells - Broken Bells

Beach Boys - Pet Sounds

Beach Boys - Beach Boys' Party

Beach Boys - Endless Summer

Bright Eyes - The People's Key

Carissa's Wierd - Songs About Leaving

Cold Cave - Cherish The Light Years

David Bowie - Changes One Bowie

David Bowie - Scary Monsters And Super Creeps

Dead Can Dance - Spleen And Ideal

Depeche Mode - Sounds Of The Universe

The Doors - LA Woman

Eagles - One Of These Nights

Elvis Costello And The Attractions - Armed Forces

Jefferson Airplane - Bark

Jefferson Starship - Red Octopus

Joan Jett And The Blackhearts - I Love Rock N' Roll

Joy Divison - Unknown Pleasures (180g Rhino Reissue)

King Crimson - In The Court Of The Crimson King

MGMT - Oracular Spectacular

Modest Mouse - The Moon And Antarctica

of Montreal - Aldhils Arboretum

of Montreal - Hissing Fauna Are You The Destroyer? (with Icons Abstract Thee ep)

of Montreal - Satanic Panic In The Attic

of Montreal - Skeletal Lamping

of Montreal - The Sunlandic Twins (with Bonus EP)

of Montreal - False Preist

Portugal. The Man - American Ghetto

The Rolling Stones - Sticky Fingers

Survivor - Eye Of The Tiger

Styx - Equinox

Styx - Pieces Of Eight

Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin - Broom

Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin - Pershing

Tin Machine - Tin Machine 1

Yip Deceiver - Yip Deceiver

The Who - Tommy (only sides one and four, lost two and three)

The Who - Quadrophenia

I hope to make it a lot bigger than that.

Pistol Dreams - The Tallest Man On Earth

So what's new in my future?

I'm planning on doing NaNoWrimo to get back in touch with my liberal side (I actually have a knack for writing, as long as it's on my terms). Maybe I'll attempt to write a whole book on LSD, but that would require dropping every day for a month, and I'm not sure my mind could handle that.

Other than that, I'm just planning on taking all CS courses next quarter and coding hard.

Trap Doors - Broken Bells (my new favourite band)

But yeah, that about sums up my life right now. I'm still a badass player (although this past year has been a stream of failed relationships and hyperbolic drug abuse, I'm just going to take it slow and meet a beautiful indie girl).

But hey if you don't really know me aside from "That asshole who calls everyone a faggot" I implore you to read up on me some more, then you just might realize I just AM cooler than you.


Photo Tumblr


Robot Factory

Music Room Code

Citywide Rodeo - The Weepies This song is just beautiful.


firestormx 13 years, 3 months ago

Shut the fuck up, you guys suck, hardcore.

firestormx 13 years, 3 months ago

It's classic sk8. <3

Back before he got into this shitty music he listens to now.

Seriously, is melee and hel the only ones who listen to good music? :(

Also, stop dropping acid. It's neurotoxic, and neuronal oxidation is a difficult thing to reverse.

sk8m8trix 13 years, 3 months ago

Shhh <3 my lysergic bliss

bendodge 13 years, 3 months ago

Hey, firestormx, I listen to good music too! Just two days ago I stayed up all night and listened to various ancient Latin chants, masses, requiems, and organ music from dusk till dawn. And it was all for the love of music, not anything to do with trying to drown out other people while writing a paper I forgot about.

Polystyrene Man 13 years, 3 months ago

Also, stop dropping acid. It's neurotoxic, and neuronal oxidation is a difficult thing to reverse.
You must have gotten that information off… the streets.

frenchcon1 13 years, 3 months ago

Seriously, is melee and hel the only ones who listen to good music? :(

You said i had impeccable music taste once :(

firestormx 13 years, 3 months ago

You must have gotten that information off… the streets.
Or from physicians who have gone on to specialize in neurology, psychiatry, and addictionology.

And it's their job to fix things. What could they benefit from by pretending it causes brain damage?

They're also exposed to far more cases, have much more knowledge and wisdom (experience), and have vastly superior technology and resources to study and observe this than the average LSD user who sits around denying and marginalizing data and studies, because they don't feel anything happening to themselves, or others that they know.

I'll leave it at that though. I hate getting into arguments about anything to do with drug use, and I don't have access to any journals with studies to site specifically (and whenever I do, whoever I'm talking to blows them off).

VH, you do have some awesome taste in music too. =D

But I don't listen to the electronica stuff that you listen to as often as I do metal and stuff like that.

frenchcon1 13 years, 3 months ago

The world would be a much better place if we all listened to aphex twin. However, fair enough :p

The Avatrol 13 years, 3 months ago

You're actually mistaken firestorm. There is no concrete evidence or study that suggests LSD is neurotoxic. One research paper that says it is neurotoxic, (and I haven't found one) doesn't mean that it is. LSD alters the way the neurotransmitters work in your brain temporarily. There is no solid evidence, (I couldn't find any evidence) that the effects actually damage the nervous tissue.

By the way, if somebody is weary of a drug because of the effects of said drug are not known, that isn't a bad thing and I respect this frame of thinking. I'm not defending drug use in any way.

However, making a claim that a drug is neurotoxic when they don't even entirely KNOW what causes it's short-term effects or how it effects the brain long-term is a weak argument. Evidence suggests that because LSD resembles that of the neurotransmitter serotonin, that it stimulates the serotonin receptors on neurons, and even that is a theory.

Neurotoxicity can be extremely debilitating and can cause severe degenerative effects over time. If oxidized radicals in the brain were a side-effect from LSD use, you would think you would be able to find some evidence to suggest this, and there would most certainly be deaths reported due to fatal levels of ROS in the brain. (people would be getting severe brain damage from LSD use, which is simply not the case).

A research paper is nothing to base your claims on until it has been conclusively proven. There are many bogus research papers that claim negative effects from drugs that were later proven time and time again to be false. (the opposite also occurs, with research papers being written for pharmaceutical companies making untrue claims of the effects caused by certain drugs).

You suggest that doctors are pretending something causes brain damage, but the reality is laws are made based on research (whether that research is accurate or not) and once something is made illegal, there is pressure to keep opposing research that suggests opposite from being brought to light. Therefor, doctors may very well be basing their prognosis on finding that are not necessarily true, or even out-dated. This is most likely the exception and not the norm, but it is true nonetheless.

If you are going to be concerned about LSD causing neurotoxicity I would suggest you be equally concerned with the way in which prescription anti-depressants, (which are prescribed by doctors by the way) may have the same effect on the brain, especially when they are less studied, newer drugs in which the long term effects are not even known or efficiently studied, yet they are prescribed to the masses every day.

bendodge 13 years, 3 months ago

I don't know how many of you have access to MEDLINE via university databases or whatnot, but in this study, rats given LSD were affected for as long as a month afterward in visual discrimination tests (telling a dark tunnel from a lighted one).

Friedman H, Carey R. Long-term effects of LSD-25 on easy and hard visual discrimination in rats. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, And Behavior [serial online]. December 1978;9(6):809-812. Available from: MEDLINE, Ipswich, MA. Accessed October 21, 2011.