a blog about schweetness

Posted by sk8m8trix on Oct. 12, 2006, 8:46 p.m.

So today was fun. i stole my freinds french fries and have minimal homework. which ill probly do in study hall. Were reading to kill a mocking bird in english (reading is one of my strenghs). im allredy way ahead in the book and i understand a lot of it, i like how the story of coming of age is repesented, but there are some parts where maturity shows in the beginning. like when jem stops scout from beating up walter cummingham, but then again there is a lot of lack of maturity like when scout was going to shoot the lady acoss teh street.

in other news, i rock, you suck BAHAHAHA… oh and im currently watching the south park movie,… KICKASS!!


hobomonkeyc 18 years, 4 months ago

I think that NONE of us are qualified to say which event deserves reading on or not.

How dare you even tell people that you are tired of listening about slaves? Try being a slave you dumb fuck.

Quote: dumbass
read this crap
So now its crap? Damn, if a well writen book is crap, then I dont even know what to call you…

I will agree that there should be more topics covered in school, about different regions and places in the world. But you have no right to demote or make ease of slavery.

Repeat this blog to a black person that, I'm sure he will be happy to kick your sorry ass

sk8m8trix 18 years, 4 months ago

Quote: REZ
Nazism is a form of racism… You prove no good points, I mean really, we cannot say which was more important by a death count we don't even know. All I know, is the Africans at that time were worked to death and no matter how hard we hate a past like that, its still important to remember what happened and realize the lesson that had been learned.
but isint being jewesh a religion. and what happen with the nazis was more of a genocide, like hotel rawanda, so i believ that the suffrage of many outweighs the suffrage of few

sk8m8trix 18 years, 4 months ago

Quote: hobomonkey
I think that NONE of us are qualified to say which event deserves reading on or not.

How dare you even tell people that you are tired of listening about slaves? Try being a slave you dumb fuck.

Quoted from: dumbass

read this crap

So now its crap? Damn, if a well writen book is crap, then I dont even know what to call you…

I will agree that there should be more topics covered in school, about different regions and places in the world. But you have no right to demote or make ease of slavery.

Repeat this blog to a black person that, I'm sure he will be happy to kick your sorry ass
i didnt mean to call it crap, i ment the way were being forced to read it and for what reason is crap. and i know slavery was a hardship, but more things need to be covered.

Cesar 18 years, 4 months ago

I believe your stupidity far outweighs your intellect

hobomonkeyc 18 years, 4 months ago

Shit, do you know how many african americans were forced into slavery? Most of the south was made up of slaves.

Think before you talk!

the suffrage of many outweighs the suffrage of few

The suffrage of anybody is bad, the least you could do is not demoralize it.

sk8m8trix 18 years, 4 months ago


i would just like a book about none of anything like that

Kenon 18 years, 4 months ago

Quote: Whoever that is
but isint being jewesh a religion. and what happen with the nazis was more of a genocide, like hotel rawanda, so i believ that the suffrage of many outweighs the suffrage of few
We didn't kill the jews. WE KILLED THE SLAVES. That's why. Oh wait. your greek. Well… there were more african americans suffering from slavery than jews in the holocaust. SLAVEY WENT ON FOR 350 AGONIZING YEARS.

Polystyrene Man 18 years, 4 months ago


<ul><li>To Kill a Mockingbird is not about slavery (I'm not sure if you said this or not, it's hard to read your writing)</li>

<li>Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry is about racism, NOT slavery.</li>

I do not feal slavery was as big as an issue as other things
This is exactly why we need to keep learning about it. Slavery was an awful thing.</li>

<li>The Japanese did not go into concentration camps.</li>

More peopel were killed and affected by that stuff
How do you figure? Where did you get this idea?</li>

Cesar 18 years, 4 months ago

You can't even call yourself a geek, geeks are actually smart… we actually think about stuff… And you just don't care about anything… that's what makes us call you stupid, this will go up on a blog i will make called: top 10 contreversial/stupid blogs

sk8m8trix 18 years, 4 months ago

i red a book about a kid named ben urchida that went to a japanise concentartion camp in the us during wwII. maby he was chinese dunno….