a blog about schweetness

Posted by sk8m8trix on Oct. 12, 2006, 8:46 p.m.

So today was fun. i stole my freinds french fries and have minimal homework. which ill probly do in study hall. Were reading to kill a mocking bird in english (reading is one of my strenghs). im allredy way ahead in the book and i understand a lot of it, i like how the story of coming of age is repesented, but there are some parts where maturity shows in the beginning. like when jem stops scout from beating up walter cummingham, but then again there is a lot of lack of maturity like when scout was going to shoot the lady acoss teh street.

in other news, i rock, you suck BAHAHAHA… oh and im currently watching the south park movie,… KICKASS!!


Cesar 18 years, 5 months ago

Japanese went into different camps but in the US, they were not concentration camps, but the idea was the same

Polystyrene Man 18 years, 5 months ago

Honestly, I just lost whatever respect I had for you.

i dont not like to kill a mocking bird, i like it very much but the reason taht were reading it is all a big apology.
What? Apart from the fact that you like/don't like To Kill a Mockingbird, how is it an apology? Who are we apologizing to? It's a coming-of-age story.

Cesar 18 years, 5 months ago

Post 23

You had respect for this person?? oh yeah, the D&D thing

sk8m8trix 18 years, 5 months ago

Quote: polyman
What? Apart from the fact that you like/don't like To Kill a Mockingbird, how is it an apology? Who are we apologizing to? It's a coming-of-age story.
yes but it is based arund slavery and it has parts about racism, and i do like the book, i just dont like why were reading it… just forget everything i said

Arcalyth 18 years, 5 months ago

I'm reading the Odyssey too.

P.S. I'm black.

Cesar 18 years, 5 months ago

I won't forget everything you said, i'll copy the source so you don't freaking try to erase this

sk8m8trix 18 years, 5 months ago

Quote: arc
I'm reading the Odyssey too.

P.S. I'm black.
yes i know ur black, u told me, and were not reading the oddesy yet (itl take forever cuz theres so many retards that wont understand it)

Polystyrene Man 18 years, 5 months ago

yes but it is based arund slavery and it has parts about racism, and i do like the book, i just dont like why were reading it… just forget everything i said
Uh, no, there isn't any slavery in To Kill a Mockingbird. At all. Sure, there's racism… but definitely not slavery.

sk8m8trix 18 years, 5 months ago

@mrpacman i wasnt trying to insult anyone or anything, it was just a view i ad, im sorry, im gonna clear this blog and put other shit in it later

sk8m8trix 18 years, 5 months ago

@polyman yeah i just realised that, i accident said that, i usually think of racism and slavery as the same thing