Yay for PS3-age!

Posted by smarttart62 on Oct. 10, 2006, 7:11 p.m.

[l]T[/l][sc]oday was the first and last day you could pre-order the PS3 at GameStop![/sc]

Aparently "Due to high demand" they have finished taking pre-orders for the most awesome-est console in the world of console-ness. Who pre-ordered today?

On a side note since im a G.A.P. member I could have gone to an party with Sony up in New York for playing i before everyone else got a chance but im not friggin 18 yet! Which pisses me off since NY is just a state over from me…

iDev you ask? Well not much progress was made today… I finished up a couple small things and fixed a couple GUI components. I'm really not looking foward to the Loading tab… Should be a pain in the ass to do…

In more random news im probably going to get a 40gig HD for linux, and get back on Windows eventually…



smarttart62 18 years, 4 months ago


So tell me then RR, what the fuck is so special about the Wii?

Let me go ahead and rebut it with "technology" comments… No shit it's technology captain obvious. It's called time!


Asterisk 18 years, 4 months ago

About your last post on "how good the ps3 is", i'd like to edit it a little.

First of all, if you kinda figure it all out, you only have aobut 4 good things.

#2. Blu Ray isn't quite "brand new".

#3. Ps3 isn't the only, 'smarttart'.

#4. Isn't this basically #1?

#5. Yea, if you like 64 football saved on your hardrive games.

#6. What makes the ps3 good about this?

#7. I think the $700 makes up for it.

#8. Basically #1 and #4.

#9. *Looks at Wii and 360* Your point?

#10. Thats a lie, if you buy just the core, you'll need to buy shitloads.

#11. Once again, isn't this #9?

SO actually, you only have 1 good thing, and thats #1 :D

Asterisk 18 years, 4 months ago

Whoops, sorry RockyRan, we have the same posts XD

hobomonkeyc 18 years, 4 months ago

You should change your name to tardtart62

rockyran 18 years, 4 months ago

I'm actually not really fond of the Wii. In actuality, I'm not really fond of any of the three systems, it's just that I find the Wii to be worthwile for reasons I've already stated.

No shit it's technology to you too. Have fun playing with a supercomputer with shitty shallow games on it. But hey, you gots connection to da internets! Blu-ray! High def! Whoever said game consoles had to have games worth playing? I mean, as long as I have a supercomptuer, who cares if I'm having fun with it?

DS 18 years, 4 months ago

No shit it's technology captain obvious. It's called time!
Bow to it. 32576 googleflops don't make a good console.

rockyran 18 years, 4 months ago

Oh and by the way, you can buy a computer that can do A LOT more than what the PS3 or any console can do, since you're so concerned about specs.

BenRK 18 years, 4 months ago

Just accept it, you lost. We have guns ponted at you and snipers are in position. Turrets are locked and your other team members are dead. What ever you throw at us, we match with greater force. And seeing as you like to throw the exact same thing at us, we throw it back with greater force. Isn't it fun to play a friendly game of team deathmatch?

Josea 18 years, 4 months ago

Humm, summary of this blog and comments:

-PS3 is powerful, good for heavu games.

-Wii is cool with its innovative gameplay.

-Xbox 360: who gives a damn?

Conclusion: Every console has its pro and cons, and this is just matter of opinion, accept it, he likes PS3, we like Wii. Who cares after all?

I just want to play a good game, no matter what console, what company or whatever it is made in, if it is a good game I'll play it.

BenRK 18 years, 4 months ago

What good game? I haven't seen a good game since Zelda OOT. Sure there are games I enjoy plaing, but none have the feel that Zelda OOT had. And, suprise suprise, that was on a Nintendo console! But if you think stealing cars, raping women (both part of GTA), and playing some random foot ball game is fun, then I pitty you.