I'm not even sure how I got there. Hmm. Let's think about this:
I got mail from one woman, who works on popular finnish tv channel "SubTV". She invited me to come to their japan-anime-manga tv-chat-show "Otaku". They heard about me and my former japanese-singing band Kabe from someone and wanted to interview me about that and other things. I suggested that I could sing one of my acoustic songs there, if they wanted. And now someone uploaded that part of the program on Youtube. :D Haha. <a href="http://youtube.com/watch?v=besFnjlNcjw">Here goes.</a>I sing in japanese and lived my childhood in Japan. That's why they wanted me on that show I guess.In other news, there aren't really other news. Currently mainly composing songs for my new band Kkomonoid.
Thanks again (other) dudes! :O I'm touched how positive comments I got here…
Gift of Death: I was born in Japan and lived almost nine years altogether there. And now I'm living in Finland. :)High five for being famous as hell*high five*
@Myth: Who's Jakex? :P
High five because I'M OLD GREGG!
Added to favorites. :D
That's an awesome shirt.Plenty of people don't know who JakeX is. The first time I met him he was insulting a banner someone made for me. The first time I saw you you had a blog that lead to a youtube video showing you playing a song on tv. (OK, that's a runon)
Hm… Comparison? No.I don't believe it's you.
:O Win.