An Update!

Posted by surface on May 7, 2006, 1:19 p.m.

…look at my engine's new screenie!

It's kinda blurry, I had to resize it on photobucket.

Now your probably thinking, "This looks almost like the other screenie". Well it's not. I've added a bunch of new features, you just can't see all of them! I did add in ladders, which was missing in the previous versions. I have also added in a new engine add-on called World.Node. That's what those orange icon things are.

World.Node has been a project I've been working on along with this engine. It uses icons (they are invisible in the final game) to run world scripts. Now this might seem strange, but these icon objects work really well. Instead of having to change variables and code around to fit each level, I simply place the icon and the effect is now in the level. I'm also working on nodes (the icons) that only affect areas around it. There's a little more to it than just that, but that is the general use for them. I do plan to release the World.Node source eventually (once I get the kinks worked out), just in-case you were wondering.

This weekend has been pretty dull. It rained on Saturday, so I couldn't go to work. Today, if I'm lucky, I'll get to go drive the car around (got to practice for the Drivers Test) a little bit. Really wanted to go to the mall with some friends and see a movie, but that didn't work out. If only I had that car… Got a project due Monday, haven't started on it yet. I really need to though, so I can get exempt from the final and go home early.

Been burning up my iPod lately. I think I've only turned it off for an hour this weekend. I think that's about it for me. Damn I need to get out of here and do something fun…


JW 18 years, 9 months ago

Wow, that game looks quite unique… :) Can't wait to play!

melee-master 18 years, 9 months ago

That looks pretty good Surface.

surface 18 years, 9 months ago

Thanks guys! Nobody it's not actually a game (right now), those are simply the stand in sprites to make the engine work. Right now all it's just a platform engine, but I hope I can turn it into a sweet game!