Grammar for CAMD's

Posted by takua108 on May 18, 2006, 5:23 p.m.

(…A Reference for the n00bs in us!)

Still waiting for my example to be uploaded… >:{

So I was checking the "Who's Online" list today, and I saw generally-awesome man melee-master online. Out of curiosity (and nothing to do), I looked at his blog.

<a href="" target=_blank></a>

I find this very retarded…and pretty much typical of CAMD. So I go to his page to see what's what, in case he posted some lame-arse self-defense blog post, but I found none. Therefore, with little left to blog about, I decided it's time for a good-quality n00b-to-1337 lesson. Here it is:

<fieldset><legend>nüb-2-1337 :: volume 1</legend>For my first (and probably last, due to the flaming I'm about to get), I'm going to teach you simple grammar rules that nobody, least of all CAMD, seems to understand.

1.) The English language is made up of words.

>> 1a.) "i" is not a word.

2.) Words form sentences.

>> 2a.) Sentences have a tendency to start with capital letters.

>> 2b.) Sentences have a tendency to end with punctuation.

>>>>>> 2bi.) One or two exclamation points or question marks will suffice.

3.) Sentences form paragraphs.

>> 3a.) Paragraphs usually consist of more than one sentence.

>> 3b.) Paragraphs form a more-than-one-line-long blog.

And there you have it. One Step to a 1337er You.</fieldset>

…And I'm out of things to rant about. Except that, just now, I'm pretty sure I scared everyone out of the chatroom:

Quote: The 64Digits Chatroom
takua108 takes a dump in a corner

takua108 's dump smells pretty bad

The room went from thirteen people to one in no time flat.


melee-master 18 years, 9 months ago

Quote: takua

So I was checking the "Who's Online" list today, and I saw generally-awesome man melee-master online. Out of curiosity (and nothing to do), I looked at his blog.

Hells yeah! I am awesome. XD

Nah, I'm a mere Goderator.

Anyways, you wouldn't believe some of the crap that he posted, such as:

[quote=Post on 64's topsite stats]

Ungodly site


[quote=Post on Loganoth's topsite stats]

Godly site

Like… Wow. At least he bothered to spell stuff right. Haha.

devilgoku 18 years, 9 months ago

I dont get why grammer matters on the internet, its not graded o_o or is it? but i guess this can help the "nubs" out a bit.{my spelling isnt spelling errors but simply typos do to sticky keyboard keys}. and if nobodys noticed i dont use parenthesis…thats also a flaw of my keyboard, my #9 key doesnt work{i used the keypad for my #9 but the keypads nine doesnt do the left parenthesis}

Aura_of_End 18 years, 9 months ago

takua108 takes a dump in a corner

takua108's dump smells pretty bad
I remember that, it was funny though, the way everyone ran.

ludamad 18 years, 9 months ago

Yes, we grade you on grammar.

takua108 18 years, 9 months ago

Yeah…just one look at…anything…CAMD said, and you'll get the picture as to how bad grammar can make you look retarded.

ludamad 18 years, 9 months ago

I think one of the issues is people taking you seriously. Noob talk doesn't warrant a lot of respect.

takua108 18 years, 9 months ago

From the way that was phrased, I hope you weren't referring to me… [>>]

It is, however; why, if you are like me and mostly hang around the Extending GM forum on the GMC, you'll know Potnop by now. He's not that much of a n00b…he just doesn't speak very intelligently on the Internet. Well, at least, until I got on his case for it, and now he's a better person for it.