[108trip] Day 4 "Bruised Grandmas"

Posted by takua108 on July 1, 2006, 6:44 p.m.

Well anyways, I guess I never really outlined my trip, so here it is. I live in Rapid City, South Dakota, USA, and I'm in the middle of a nearly-month-long trip. First I'm going to (actually, already at) Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and I'll be here for twelve days. After that, my family is going home while I'm travelling to Seattle, Washington for two weeks for my DigiPen summer workshop (see previous blogposts). So…yeah. I'll be doing a day-by-day recap when I'm in Seattle because I'll have more access to computers and Internet.

<fieldset><legend><b>WARNING!</b></legend>The following four paragraphs may contain religion-related material. If you're Atheist, keep it to yourself, thanks. This is mostly for Christian people.</fieldset>

So back to today…it sucked. We went to mass (I'm Catholic), and it was already a pain because we had to haul my Gramps around (he had a stroke that renders the entire right side of his body immobile from the neck down), but it was horrible. You see, being from South Dakota, the most racism we ever get is mainly directed at the Native Americans. Personally, I am a highly …NOT…racist…person, but here on the East Coast sucks as far as racism goes.

So here's how it was set up: My family of seven plus my grandparents were sitting in a pew towards the back of the church. In front of us was a pew that was entirely empty, save one elderly woman on each side. So mass goes on normally until after a while, an Asian father and son come into the building (about ten minutes into mass, and masses for us Catholics are an hour apiece), and the grandma on the left end refuses to let them occupy the remainder of the pew. She even shoos them away rudely. So they go and stand at the back of the church, against a wall. <i>For the rest of the freaking mass.</i> Later on, a family of <i>seven</i> Asians come in. The grandma refuses to let them in as well.

I wanted so badly to help these people, because, come on. First of all, we're all Christians, right? No need to be like that to fellows of the same religion. Secondly, did she ever think that it was pretty cool that the Asians converted from whatever traditional religion their ancestors followed to Christianity? That deserves some credit.

So yeah, I felt like punching her in the face. But, being in a church, I didn't.

Afterwards we went to an awesome pizza place and I got seafood pizza. It was absolutely divine.

…I'm going to stop right here, because a.) my Gramps uses a trackball mouse, b.) it's on the left side of the keyboard due to his aforementioned stroke, and c.) dessert's on. [^^]

<b>[EDIT.01]</b> Changed "desert" to "dessert" …rookie mistake :P


Josea 18 years, 7 months ago

racism sucks so badly.

Seafood pizza??

I can't eat a pizza with anything that is not ham or cheese (mozzarella cheese)

What's wrong with trackball mouses??' you're being racist to the poor mouses…

melee-master 18 years, 7 months ago

That grandma sounds like one hell of an asshole to do that, just because they're Asian.

Acid 18 years, 7 months ago

I'm basically everything in the entire world, so if anybodies racist, they hate me.


Anyway, I probably would have punched the lady even if I was at church. :(

I've never tried seafood pizza, but you make it sound good.

I hope you have a good time over there. Try not to beat up racist people. Tell your gramps 64d says "Hi!"

EDIT: I'm Christian too. But not Catholic.

Extravisual 18 years, 7 months ago

What is the problem with trackball mouses? Frankly I am getting a bit irritated with you looking down on anybody who does not have as much money as you…

You may not be racist, but you sure seem snobby.

DesertFox 18 years, 7 months ago

//and c.) desert's on.//


Polystyrene Man 18 years, 7 months ago

Nice, a fellow Catholic.

It's universal among old people. They have to have their pew, and they cannot share it with anyone who hasn't sat there before. I don't know if she was being racist, maybe just old. I agree with you though; racism sucks.

Maxcore 18 years, 7 months ago

Catholics are dumb, there is a reason the church split.

Polystyrene Man 18 years, 7 months ago

That's pretty cool. I mean, God knows that none of the other religions have split.

Extravisual 18 years, 7 months ago

baggmax: I dislike Catholics, but I'm not about to flame them for being catholics. That was completely out of order.

gamehawk 18 years, 7 months ago

That's rude, I hate racism. People need to realize different doesn't mean bad. Here's a quote of mine from another blog on racism:

Quote: gamehawk

People of every race are racist, it doesn't make it right. No matter what somebody does to you, you shouldn't stoop to their level. Be the better person, besides why oppress somebody you don't even know. All races have racists, and that's not going to change. It's an unfortunate fact of humanity that people hate each other for differences. Instead of treasuring how unique everyone is we chose to make it a bad things. To all the people with questions about ethnicity out there, consider this:

How bad would things be if everyone was JUST LIKE YOU? I don't think you would like that very much.

That's my two cents, and yes, a flame war or at least many undesirable comments will arrive soon enough. Luckily you made this a generic enough name that people might pass it off as a topic about driving cars around, and not give it a look. Don't delete this blog though, it could warrant some interesting discussion that could deepen the diversity in this community.

Really consider that, think before acting people.


gamehawk [:)]