[108trip] Day 4 "Bruised Grandmas"

Posted by takua108 on July 1, 2006, 6:44 p.m.

Well anyways, I guess I never really outlined my trip, so here it is. I live in Rapid City, South Dakota, USA, and I'm in the middle of a nearly-month-long trip. First I'm going to (actually, already at) Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and I'll be here for twelve days. After that, my family is going home while I'm travelling to Seattle, Washington for two weeks for my DigiPen summer workshop (see previous blogposts). So…yeah. I'll be doing a day-by-day recap when I'm in Seattle because I'll have more access to computers and Internet.

<fieldset><legend><b>WARNING!</b></legend>The following four paragraphs may contain religion-related material. If you're Atheist, keep it to yourself, thanks. This is mostly for Christian people.</fieldset>

So back to today…it sucked. We went to mass (I'm Catholic), and it was already a pain because we had to haul my Gramps around (he had a stroke that renders the entire right side of his body immobile from the neck down), but it was horrible. You see, being from South Dakota, the most racism we ever get is mainly directed at the Native Americans. Personally, I am a highly …NOT…racist…person, but here on the East Coast sucks as far as racism goes.

So here's how it was set up: My family of seven plus my grandparents were sitting in a pew towards the back of the church. In front of us was a pew that was entirely empty, save one elderly woman on each side. So mass goes on normally until after a while, an Asian father and son come into the building (about ten minutes into mass, and masses for us Catholics are an hour apiece), and the grandma on the left end refuses to let them occupy the remainder of the pew. She even shoos them away rudely. So they go and stand at the back of the church, against a wall. <i>For the rest of the freaking mass.</i> Later on, a family of <i>seven</i> Asians come in. The grandma refuses to let them in as well.

I wanted so badly to help these people, because, come on. First of all, we're all Christians, right? No need to be like that to fellows of the same religion. Secondly, did she ever think that it was pretty cool that the Asians converted from whatever traditional religion their ancestors followed to Christianity? That deserves some credit.

So yeah, I felt like punching her in the face. But, being in a church, I didn't.

Afterwards we went to an awesome pizza place and I got seafood pizza. It was absolutely divine.

…I'm going to stop right here, because a.) my Gramps uses a trackball mouse, b.) it's on the left side of the keyboard due to his aforementioned stroke, and c.) dessert's on. [^^]

<b>[EDIT.01]</b> Changed "desert" to "dessert" …rookie mistake :P


takua108 18 years, 7 months ago

And Hali, about the trackball mouses: I don't have a problem with them (although I <i>largely</i> prefer normal mouses), but you try using a right-handed trackball mouse with your left hand, or crossing your right hand over to the left side of the keyboard under your typing hand…it makes playing DOOM hard [^^]

And thanks, biggmax, for insulting me for something I have absolutely no control over. Is it my fault my parents brought me up Catholic? No, it's not. I embrace it as my religion probably because my parents brought me up that way. If my parents brought me up Atheist, I'd probably be Atheist. So by calling Catholicism "dumb" on a Catholic person's blog, you're being highly obscene and just as bad as the aforementioned grandma, only instead of basing your bias on the color of one's skin, you're basing your bias on one's beliefs. And doing so publically. If you want to bash Catholics, do it either in your head or in your own damn blog. And, should you decide to do the latter, I'll refrain from bashing your non-Catholicism, because I'm tolerant of other people. Unlike you.

flashback 18 years, 7 months ago

Biggmax, shut up. Last time someone insulted Christianity to my face, he had a black eye for two weeks.

That grandmother is being insensitive, but it's sadly common among older people. Remember - these are the people who were alive during WWII, who were fighting Japan and getting bombarded with all this racism pro-war support. They kind of got somthered in it, and they just decided to carry it on throughout the years, for no particular reason.

And about the split in the church: Biggmax, you seem to know nothing about it. The factors causing the split are little to none now. I have nothing against Catholocism, even though I'm Baptist.

gamehawk 18 years, 7 months ago

Good point about WWII flashback.