[108] 108-DOS v0.1.0000

Posted by takua108 on Oct. 10, 2006, 1:09 a.m.

There's been one project that I've secretly wanted to do ever since I heard about advanced web programming stuff such as Flash, DHTML, and Ajax.

Today, I finally made that project a reality.

<b>Behold, <a href="http://thetyphooncorp.com/console" target="_blank">108-DOS</a>!</b>

What is it, you ask?

Basically, it's attempting to be a DOS/UNIX command line interface-type thing embedded in a web browser using Ajax, PHP, and a little bit of (non-Ajax) JavaScript. I started this project when I saw <a href="http://www.w3clubs.com/sp/ajax/webconsole.html" target="_blank">WebConsole</a>, a nifty little Ajax example thing. I then proceded to rip the Ajax part of WebConsole and make my own console, 108-DOS. Eventually I came to redo the interface entirely, so now the code is 100% mine.

The keyboard controls are:

ENTER enter a command (duuuur!)

UP previously entered command

DOWN more recently entered command

PGUP scroll up

PGDN scroll down

F5 "reboot" 108-DOS

Some suggested commands are:




Note that it only works in FireFox, to my knowledge…if you open it in Internet Explorer, you get a surprise [^^]

Right now there's not much to do in it; basically you register your account, log into it, and try a bunch of commands. I'll add cooler stuff like file-uploading, file-editing, and maybe even some kind of basic programming language later on.

In other news, I'm sorry for being absent from 64D for so long; I had to study for various subjects in school (I ended up getting straight A's at the midterm, which is an improvement over my 2.8 GPA last year [>>]), and I had an Internet and cable outage in my area due to construction. That accounts for the last three days, but as for the rest of the time…well, I've been lazy, and I've been working on the new GameCave site with Arcalyth.

But mostly I've just been lazy. Sorry about that, I'll try to be more active now.

Although like three of you will even notice [>>]

<b>[EDIT.01]</b> I forgot to mention that there's easter eggs in 108-DOS! For those of you who know UNIX, try some "hacking" commands and see what comes up! …Yeah, it's pretty weak. But it gives you something to do.


takua108 18 years, 4 months ago

bash > MS-DOS