Making fun of my old blog posts

Posted by twisterghost on Aug. 4, 2020, 7:05 p.m.

Of course just like everyone else, the moment the site came back online, I began reading through my oldest of old blog posts, cringing at my past, but smiling at a good portion of it too. Of course like everyone else still, I've archived most of my old stuff, setting it to be viewable to my eyes only. Though of course, with things like the wayback machine, that doesn't change much.

Instead of hiding completely, I figured I'd take a little time to rip on past me and try to dive deeper into the psyche of 13 year old twisterghost.

I'll begin with the oldest blog I have still available, which is far from the first blog post on the site, as I had previously deleted a whole bunch.


=;) Pierre the french smiley

Im a sad person. We had off today, but it's already past the time that I would be getting home from school and it feels like I have done nothing worthwhile with my free time.

However, Elicti is coming along nicely. You all would know if SOMEONE PUT IT ON THE SITE! It was submitted 4 days ago now.

Im making the fighting more interesting right now. You will know why this is needed when you play it.

Thats all I really have to post. Bye!

Alright, so first off, the total non sequitur of a title. That seems to be a theme for a lot of my older blogs. We were at the peak of "soooo randommmmm" culture back then so a lot of posts were just complete whiplash.

This must be from before I was a mod. Back in the days of submitting games to 64D to be reviewed for… I guess quality? before being added to the site.

It rules to see old posts about Elicti. That game was a shitshow but it was a huge deal for me at the time, and still today. That world has developed and changed over the years, turning into the setting for Evenfall, and a lot of the D&D / other tabletop campaigns I run.

Also, the fighting never got more interesting. I can say that for sure.

Next blog:


Its official!!!

I have officially spent 30 hours working on Elicti!

It was updated too…to get the newest release, go to

(im getting a .com soon)


I mean, I guess back then, spending 30 hours on something seemed like a lot of time. I had no real concept of what "long project" was, and that was probably the longest I've worked on anything. Also still I'm 99% sure I just pulled that metric out of my ass, I don't think GameMaker had "time spent working on project" counters back then, and I surely wasn't tracking my hours. Maybe just a guess. Definitely not official. Never got it certified by a board, that's for sure.

Anyway, I hope you're looking forward to my .com domain that I'm getting soon. At least I didn't hit you with a .tk domain. I definitely had plenty of those.

Next blog, and it's got a lot of moving parts, check out this bad boy:



Well, this is to get you all on the same page for my life…because you all care so much! I feel so loved!


-Spent 43 hours 37 minutes and 36 seconds as of now

-9 addicted players

-Adding in a sledding minigame right now…

My life: (other than elicti…which is not much…)

-Currently working on 'No Dispute'. We are putting it on DVDs right now…

-Hopefully no school, or if not, delay tomorrow. No news yet…but there is 15 inches on the ground, and some roads are not plowed, and there is a lot of ice. I'd say about a 45% chance.

-Im REALLY tired.

Other interesting facts:

-I have been putting lemonade in little (emptied out and cleaned out) bottles of travel shampoo and making it look like im drinking liqor or something…

-My back has been hurting for 3 years exactly today! (Monday, feb. 13)

-Almost poked my eye out with a dart today…

-There was a MySpace-linked murder in my county. Turns out my brothers friend (my semi-friend) was friends with the murderer. (More like aquaintences)

-My hands smeel like roses right now.

-FSX will make the PM system soon or else we will form an angry mob and surround his house and get a few catapults and break down his wall, then force him to breathe air that is mixed with chalk-dust while driving him to NYC and buying 3 cups of coffee then make him drink them…WITHOUT SUGAR.

-I'm putting off doing a project for U.S. history that is worth 30% of my grade. I am telling myself that I will do it soon, but I will probably end up doing it all the night before…just like I did to the other three…

Thank you for reading.

~Your friendly neighborhood TwisterGhost

Alright, I'm gonna just have to do this in parts because this is a lot to take in.

Right out the gate, I hit you with another "worked on Elicti for X hours" metric. This time, I doubled down and included minutes and seconds, so I can 100% say this is bullshit, because again I had no time counter or whatever going on, I'm just being a little shit here trying to seem impressive I guess?

Also, I "addicted 9 players", I don't really know what to make of that. I guess you can't quit me. As for the sledding minigame, sounds fun, not sure if that ever turned into anything.

Currently working on 'No Dispute'. We are putting it on DVDs right now…

Oh my GOD this is a throwback. Alright so past me never gave context here which is super lame. "No Dispute" was a student film or something that my brother Kevin and his friends made, with my video camera, which meant I was involved as cameraman. It was a very loose interpretation of the final moments of Rasputin.

I just remembered, I actually have a copy of the file. Please enjoy "No Dispute".

At one point during the scene where they're beating him up and of course we play Flaming Lips because why not, you can hear tweenage me giggling behind the camera because one of the guys right as I started filming yelled "Punish his body!" and that to this day is one of the funniest things I can remember. Holy shit so much to unpack here in this one line, I could go on forever but I must continue…

I have been putting lemonade in little (emptied out and cleaned out) bottles of travel shampoo and making it look like im drinking liqor or something…

Wow I'm so FUCKING cool you guys, look at my LIQOR

My back has been hurting for 3 years exactly today! (Monday, feb. 13)

I don't actually know what this is about nor would I know why I'd have an exact date when my back started hurting. I fucked up a backflip on a trampoline as a kid but I don't know if this was that. Seems like another random time stat. What's up with that.

Almost poked my eye out with a dart today…

Yeah I mean that tracks. I had a dart board in my room. Kids are dumb.

There was a MySpace-linked murder in my county. Turns out my brothers friend (my semi-friend) was friends with the murderer. (More like aquaintences)

I mean this sounds interesting and might have some truth to it but really the only notable thing here is the invocation of MySpace.

My hands smeel like roses right now.


FSX will make the PM system soon or else we will form an angry mob and surround his house and get a few catapults and break down his wall, then force him to breathe air that is mixed with chalk-dust while driving him to NYC and buying 3 cups of coffee then make him drink them…WITHOUT SUGAR.

Well, we're back to not having a PM system, so read up, aeron, or you know what's coming for you.

Also I never put sugar in my coffee anymore so I guess I'm just a fucked up kind of guy now. Sorry, past me.

Your friendly neighborhood TwisterGhost

There's a distinct point in time when I stopped capitalizing the letters in my handle. Canonically its all lowercase "twisterghost", but over time I sign off as "Twisterghost", "TwisterGhost", "TG" and "tg". I had no sense of editorial point of view back then. What a loser.

Anyway this has been fun. I'd like to continue running through these and responding to my past self. I encourage you to take a magnifying glass to your old posts if you've still got them.

<3 take care

~Your friendly neighborhood TwisterGhost


Ferret 4 years, 6 months ago

Lol thank you for sharing these, got a good laugh out of the time metric thing. This is super relatable stuff.

Quietus 4 years, 6 months ago

Well, we're back to not having a PM system, so read up, aeron, or you know what's coming for you.
Hahaha. Great blog, always fun to look back at our younger selves as we've grown. :P

aeron 4 years, 6 months ago

Chalk dust?! That's a little far dude, even for past you. I'll gladly take the coffee with no sugar though, please and thank you!

JoshDreamland 4 years, 5 months ago

Past me was full of piss and vinegar. And also, occasionally, full of shit. Just like present me. Having something to cringe at means you've grown. We all have amusing pasts; I don't hold mine against myself any more than I hold anyone else's against them.

Also, objectively, we were an awesome bunch of kids, here, for all of our various faux pas. This community was great. I remember those times fondly, and am no more ashamed of anything that happened on this site than I am of anything I joyfully shouted to my friends on the playground as a five-year-old.

Anyway, thanks for the trip. 😁

NeutralReiddHotel 4 years, 4 months ago

Just know reading this warmed my heart

ludamad 4 years, 4 months ago

Lol thanks as well good memory trip