I Drove A Car. :^O

Posted by uglyman on July 17, 2007, 9:10 p.m.


Driver's Ed SUX!

No really, it does.

Today was my second day there and it really is getting on my nerves. So much that it makes me want to quit and go take private lessons in a few months. (Yes, it's that bad.)

I'm a homeschooler and I've never really been to a Public School. Or a Private one for that matter. But anyways, I get to the High School (This was yesterday) and we meet the teacher and our little books that the stress over and over again not to lose or you'll have to cough up twenty bucks and THEN…we "learn" about basic driver saftey and which pedal is the gas and which one is the brake and then we are supposed to answer the questions in our workbooks. And what does the teacher do? GIVE US THE ANSWERS TO EVERY SINGLE QUESTION!!!

Like today, he gave us the answer to literally half the questioins on our sign test today. 15 out of 30!

I wan't to LEARN man not sit in a room copying answers!

Was it like this for any of you guys. Because honestly, I'd rather take Driver's Ed twenty times and learn then pass and not know what the heck Energy of Motion is…



Polystyrene Man 17 years, 7 months ago

Deleted your post because that was just too weird.

I wonder how smart you are if you did all that in class and got 98's…
Ha, what? Ok, your loss [:P]

Take my advice: Driving is all common sense. That's how I got a 98.

Polystyrene Man 17 years, 7 months ago

By the way, despite the weirdness of my post, it was entirely true.

Nathan 17 years, 7 months ago

I dunno, but in england I think it is abit harder. The theory test consists of a question and answer where you have to get 20 + out of 25 to pass. Saying this I didn't have any lessons on theory, I was given a book to read, which I didn't read, They day I had my test I forgot, The night before I got really drunk so had to take the test Hungover, yet I passed. I haven't taken my practical test yet but I'll probably fail that! =)

Crane-ium 17 years, 7 months ago

Ha, I probably should get a permit sometime soon. I'm…16…SHUTUP!

uglyman 17 years, 7 months ago

*Adds Crane Games to the magical list of heros*

@ Poly

Yeah, I just don't like excessive randomlyness like Serpex on my blog. [:P] No hard feelings.


Wtd? How can it be harder? I live in the state of North Carolina, the "hardest" state. It's not harder where you live. Just fairer. Here, they gave me the answers to HALF THE STINKIN' TEST!!!

Gotta go write my next blog…