After accidentally deleting three blogging attempts, I'm not gonna write as much in this post as I did before. [:P]Mmmmkay, I've come back from my 6 month siesta to really change my outlook on GM. Before, I was more interested in networking and just hanging out online. I realise that while it was fun, it severely limited my proggraming experiance. I know that I need more dicipline in proggraming.So the three things I hope to really do from now on are:~Start a game, Finish a game~If I have to go back and recode something, do it instead of being lazy about it~Focus on planning, then excecutingSo with this in mind, I've started a new game, Trishu (tree-shoo).Here is a screenie…Zomg
Posted by uglyman on March 22, 2008, 5:21 p.m.
I don't really reconize anything from the screenshot (like bullits or ships) :P
Good luck with it anyway, it sounds quite simple, so it will be probaly nice to play :)Lol, I'll upload a demo sometime tommorow.
Graphics are simple, but that's not really a bad thing. You just have to remember to stay consistent and colorful. Good luck!
I do hope you'll expand that with larger viruses and stuff. Could be a nice little premise, you could even have the user slowly grow until they reach the final foe, a cockroach(And have them start off earlier off, subatomic particles with the whole color charge stuff going on)
That would be kinda cool. The whole concept of "color change" fits nicely with this idea. That's freakin' awesome! (The only bad part is that I'm gonna be doing a lot of research in order for this to work. Wikipedia Rox Ur Sox!)
I honestly think that if there was a most helpful member award, it should go to you serprex for all the insightful help you give everyone.I think serprex should get the nobel.