Yea, so my goal for finishing Triisu didn't work out too well. Being a home schooler, I went AWOL from school for a month during December and had to pay back last month. Hence, no computer time and lots of cramming for summer break. So I am learning blend effects for Triisu in order to make it look okay, even if the gameplay itself isn't great.
Also, I've created a little platform demo that may or may not be created into a full game. I might make a giant level and thats it. Tell me what you think.NightIt's funny how I've never seen some of the simpler functions in GM before.Example://l=lenth//a=anglex=l*cos(a)y=l*sin(-a)But I only just now found:lenthdir_x(l,a)lenthdir_y(l,a)I really need to use those basic codes more often.
Ya, I like the grid effect that was shopped into the image
drawing looks like it's drawn on grid paper, not shopped…
Also, lengthdir_y is -sin
Lol, I think I'll stick with my simple Algebra 2 version.