O M G _ R O Y !

Posted by ultim8p00 on Jan. 28, 2007, 7:28 p.m.

Nope……I'm still alive.

Well, I've been sort of working on Roy 'n stuff, but not much. I basically have the story concept done and I'm working on the first village. It's a mostly backwards and natural place. I'm getting the NPCs down too, and trying to figure out how they will talk to the players and reveal stuff to him.

Here are some screens of the first village, the player's native village.

Roy's Crib

Roy likes to hurt stuff

No village is complete without a well


And now, I will rant about my life. There's this girl who's been staring at me a lot. Actually, we stare at each other without even realizing. It's so weird. She's not model-hot or anything, but I give her about a 7.5 to an 8 out of 10. I wanna ask her out, but I have a gf and all that. Meh.


melee-master 18 years ago

That game is looking great!

Siert 18 years ago

Holy. Shit.

I want to play it.

Rez 18 years ago

Your game making skills really are extraordinary.

ultim8p00 18 years ago

Thanks Rez!

Hey,maybe I could be a mod now…huh?

thernz 18 years ago

Considering what Rez said about me, that would mean I would be a mod too… and many others. >_>

Game sure looks nice. I'm guessing the dialogue won't be silly like:


ultim8p00 18 years ago

Yes, Thernody, yes it totally will

thernz 18 years ago

Ok then. I'ma fav this game the moment I see it even it does suck somehow.

Polystyrene Man 18 years ago

Man… I want to play that game.

oliv 18 years ago

Ohh… I want to play. You also have the style I want down so perfectly >:o

Make sure you change the walking noises.

ludamad 18 years ago

Nice looking game, very consistent and clean graphics.