Project Introduction
holy crap making blog.. erghhh…………..
So I want to start a new online multiplayer game, but id like to hear feedback on what would be fun to play. Here is what I had in mind for a while now:Space arcade shooter with customizable ships. (Like battleships forever, only online …WANT MOD POWERS?
Watch this video to learn how to get mod powers! :D
(Embedded Video)Dont abuse it though ;)Game Idea!
new project i will be working on:
TARGETER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(yes i used to work on a scrolling shooter with this name, but this will beParticle Designe... yeah you know
Welp. Here it is. Not like anyone cares, but hey, as all my hard work goes for a few downloads, i suppose ill post it here for kicks.
PARTICLE DESIGNER 2.5It has so many new features (woooWee!)Actually only a couple, like mouse-click to stream, and other shit like …I learned something new about GM today
SO if you ever need to take individual characters from a line in a file using text_read, beware! There are random "0" characters(as in, the character value of 0).
for example, if you load the settings for a game using a single line:line = file_text_read_string(file);for (z=0; z<=string_length(line); z+=1) …pArTiCle dEsiGneR 2.3
uhhhhh. oh yeah! particle designer 2.3 is out! so yeah, download it. its fun.

Granny AND Snowmen
Granny and Snowmen
A new version of this game was just released, which is compatable with the highscore system on is an isometric action game where you protect your house from snowmen… that have grenades and bombs. You, on the other hand, you get 6 weapons, 4 …Mr Cannonball!
So, I decided to put this 3 year old game online a few weeks ago. Fixed a few bugs and flaws in it (although not all were fixed :/). Nonetheless, it does work and the scores can be added to your profile.
Mr Cannonball download page
Particle Designer finally on YYG! :D
For those of you who PM'ed me or were wondering why Particle Designer was not on YoYoGames, or why it wasn't working on yoyogames, I finally worked on it to make it compatable. rate 6, the YoYoGames community has this trend that 4/6 stars is the highest. Apparently, …ALERTED - new music
So, recently I've been in a music-making craze, so I made a few new songs to put up. I also made a myspace page to get a lot more feedback. So, if you have a myspace, add me and give me some feedback! :)