AGMAPI 4th Demo

Posted by Alert Games on June 20, 2012, 9:22 p.m.


This demo fixes the port problem, tells you to use ESC to quit, should fix menu display, and should connect with a loading image graphic(Needs testing), and fixes the drop-down userlist.

Try out hosting, try out joining! It may take a little bit of time to log in sometimes, but that can happen randomly so be patient :P

I will be on vacation for the next 5 days, so please post all your feedback in the comments and when I get back I will have some bugs or improvements to fix :D

[quote=For those who don't know much about the API]

The AGMAPI Combines everything you would need in a game for internet-based connectivity, and security. All you will need to end up doing, is slap it into your game, and call the scripts to run. Other than that, you just need to get your verification key from me.

[b]Here are some key features:[/b]

Highscores, Achievements, user avatars and info, friends lists

Secure profile saving

Branded login forms and (highscores and server list) interfaces

A starting point for multiplayer programming

Security against memory hacks

Frameworks to contain all of these features!

Enjoy! - Ask for access for your games today![/quote]


ludamad 12 years, 6 months ago

Make it a DLL so its -more- portable ?

sirxemic 12 years, 6 months ago

More portable than an API in GM.

ludamad 12 years, 6 months ago

sirxemic: Maybe we have a different idea of what portable means. Whoever uses the DLL based API is windows-locked.

sirxemic 12 years, 6 months ago

Yes, but the term portability isn't restricted to OS-level. I (and probably AG too) meant portability between programming languages.

Alert Games 12 years, 6 months ago

^ Yes that is what I meant. All of the request strings are written in GML which is isn't as "portable" between programming platforms as a DLL is. (especially for C#)

Funk E Gamez 12 years, 4 months ago

Looking good dude. :) I take it the achievements, highscores, and such are all stored in a MySQL database, right? Just out of curiosity, how did you go about sending values to the database? Did you just use a php script with $_GET parameters?