Dots! Minecraft! IRC...

Posted by Astryl on Sept. 19, 2010, 3:08 a.m.

OK, I was playing around with that game concept, and I managed to remove the dots easily while making a seamless outline around the solid-ground. Thanks to GMFreak for the code.

So… Dots done… Minecraft! Yeah, I got the 'free-weekend' version, courtesy of bogged down servers, and was lost for about three hours. I'm going to have to buy that.

OK, Minecraft… what's next? IRC…

Yeah, I'd kinda like to apologize for one or two things:

A: Overusing the bot.

B: Overusing the channel (More for my own benefit).

C: yodaKicking the Ops constantly.

Otherwise, I'm not going to be on the IRC from now on. Unless I'm really wanted there. It's too time consuming.

If somebody wants to get hold of me for some crazy reason, I'm on Skype (Ciorin92).

I leave you with a tileset I am constructing, and eagerly await the criticism of whoever feels like dishing it out.

And I'll leave you with that, until I come up with something interesting/crazy enough for another blog entry.

EDIT: OK, a mockup of a small level using my tileset:


Mush 14 years, 4 months ago

I like the tileset a lot. It would nice see them in a mock up to see how well they tiled.

It's too time consuming.

I wouldn't buy Minecraft if you're worried about wasting time.

Astryl 14 years, 4 months ago

Good point about Minecraft.

I have been doing mockups. I'll upload one ASAP.

KaBob799 14 years, 4 months ago

Yeah I've spent maybe 4 hours playing minecraft tonight, no idea why I even checked the site today but I'm glad I did. So far I've just been building a trail throughout the world using giant tree-to-tree walkways and torches where I go on land. Then I found these really cool looking mountains and one had a fairly deep cave so I decided to start digging down for a while.

I just wish I wasn't so far from my spawn point and original base lol.

Grand-High Gamer 14 years, 4 months ago

Beacons, Kbob, beacons.

Castypher 14 years, 4 months ago

I played a Minecraft demo.

I dug.

I hit lava.

Then I couldn't get back out.


Scott_AW 14 years, 4 months ago

Those are nice tiles, I like the brown rocks the best. I'd make maps with those.

Castypher 14 years, 4 months ago

Right, the only thing I can suggest is just to make them blend into each other a bit more (the stone and the rock, for example).

Scott_AW 14 years, 4 months ago

I thought the grass could use the blending as well.

KaBob799 14 years, 4 months ago

Beacons? I have no trouble finding where to go, it just takes a long long time to walk there. I've heard I could make a minecart system so maybe I'll look into that later.

Ferret 14 years, 4 months ago

Minecraft is great.

And I enjoy having you in the irc :(