[MEGA] It's F4D. And a history lesson.

Posted by Astryl on Dec. 17, 2011, 12:45 p.m.

Here, have some progress.

That's the new first boss (Snowman was way too boring).

What is it? A hyper-active ninja bunny that spins around at the speed of sound and hurls yellow snowballs at you.

Here's something horrible:

This was my absolute first game I made in GM. Fear it's terribleness.

Of course, this wasn't really my first game. That was a DOS breakout game I made in Turbo Pascal, which was fortunately lost to the Byte-stealer.

Oh, and then there were the Game Editor games. Horrible. Just plain horrible.

A word about designing Boss AI

Well, I coded the boss battle in it's entirety in about 10 minutes. No, it's not very intelligent, but it still counts as LINEAR AI, which is basically a scripted battle.

How did I do it? Using states. I have a variable I use called phase, and another called timer. Phase 0 is usually the setup, and it sets phase to 1. Phase 1 counts down timer and performs the next action when timer is 0 etc etc.

I'm thinking about writing a short document about this sort of AI system, but CBA to do it unless somebody asks nicely.

So with that, have some pie.

Now back to work before my sanity returns.


Moikle 12 years, 9 months ago

Heh, my first game was a scrolling space shooter too :D

Acid 12 years, 9 months ago

Mine as well. It was pretty much a reskined 1945 with added enemy types and some powerups.

I also had like 3 levels. :P

JuurianChi 12 years, 9 months ago

I added Multiplayer to 1945 and upgraded the sounds.

Good times.

death 12 years, 9 months ago

my first game was a heavily edited 1942 tutorial, with sonic sprites thrown in. it actually has a long history and eventually was completely rewritten and made to scroll horizontally. how does this make any sense? you played as Super Sonic shooting powered rings out lol. . .

anyway i'm pretty sure that boss system is a bit too basic for it to be necessary for an explanation. all my previous bosses have worked that same way =P

flashback 12 years, 9 months ago

My first was in Turbo Pascal for DOS, you controlled a flyswatter and tried to swat a randomly moving fly.

Small Cows 12 years, 9 months ago

My first was in Turbo Pascal for DOS, you controlled a flyswatter and tried to swat a randomly moving fly.
An early version of Click the Clown, hehe.

Astryl 12 years, 9 months ago

An early version of Click the Clown, hehe.
Yes. But more constructive. Clicking clowns is not an everyday activity. Swatting flies is. >:3

Rez 12 years, 9 months ago

my first game was an exploration game using pacman sprites

JuurianChi 12 years, 9 months ago

the Game Editor games. Horrible. Just plain horrible.
Mother of God…

That program was horrible…

I wasted a good part of my childhood on that garbage.

RyanMan56 12 years, 9 months ago

My first ever game was an Asteroids clone, I actually just made it a couple of years ago in Java but do remember that I am only fifteen.

Also, I would be interested to see you write a documentation on your boss battle technique.