[MEGA] F4D Entry

Posted by Astryl on Dec. 22, 2011, 1:16 a.m.

I'm not going to bother using the Submit page just yet. Because I dunno how long it'll take to be accepted, and I want to get it out now.

Anyway, here we go:

Name: Epic Christmas

Genre: Platformer

Made with GM, using my own DLL's, etc. Hooray. Now play it (Readme included in the zip).


And some screenshots:



JID 12 years, 9 months ago

i didn't play it for too long, because i found some issues right off the bat. i thought that the controls were kind of overly complicated and there's too many enemies to fight right from the start.

i think you should make z to shoot and x to jump, i don't like how they are two buttons away from each other, it felt kind of awkward.

the trajectory thing is fine, but the other things i mentioned are my only gripes so far.

im gonna continue playing now.

JID 12 years, 9 months ago

actually, forget i mentioned that too many enemies thing, there aren't too many. i was just getting kind of confused by the controls, i guess.

yeah, so the amount of enemies is fine, it's just the controls.

Astryl 12 years, 9 months ago

Maybe it's because I can't stand my controls being too close together :P

I should have… made a config option. But I'm too damned tired of working on this.

Too many enemies? ;_; EDIT: Ninja'd.

JID 12 years, 9 months ago

actually, maybe there are too many enemies. :p

but this time i don't mean too many enemies all at once, i mean too many enemies overall.

the game doesn't give me any kind of 'break'. are there any health pickups that enemies drop or no?

Astryl 12 years, 9 months ago

There were some that I didn't add to the game. Believe me, I meant it when I said I'm sick of it.

I'm not in it to win it, ya know. Just to make an appearance.

Font 12 years, 9 months ago

I finished the game! I really enjoyed the intro and the title screen, and I thought the snowball throwing mechanic to be pretty satisfying. The gameplay was overall pretty enjoyable, there was even a time I felt it beneficial to take cover behind a ridge to hide from a volley of yellow snow. Gudgob!

Rez 12 years, 9 months ago

Great game, great music. I think the difficulty was just right but it could've used a jumping puzzle or two to break up the action and it would've been nice to fight some else in the factory other than bunnies. Overall, I'd be surprised if this didn't win.

death 12 years, 9 months ago

that's supposed to be a factor? where are the machines at? lol

i got to the end but couldn't beat santa. this game needs HEALS and 2 enemies isn't enough. Gets very repetitive. good thing it only had two levels. =P

music was nice and the graphics were good. gameplay was a little dry though. nothing but snowballs and snowmen. needed a little more to make the game fun or challenging.

you need to spend more time on these! xP

tylerthemiler 12 years, 9 months ago

This looks sick.

Acid 12 years, 9 months ago

I beat Santa, then this happened: