A personal retrospective in 64 screenshots

Posted by Astryl on Feb. 19, 2012, 12:41 a.m.

Count them if you don't believe me. Since everybody seems to be going through their long lists of projects, I may as well throw in my games too. Some of these I'm definitely not working on anymore, or I've labeled as 'finished'.

01 - Avatar Breaker

A silly breakout clone I made that now dwells in the dark depths of YYG..

02 - Mini-Ninja

My first attempt at a Ninja game turned out to be one of my better early attempts at spriting a human character, though at a pathetically low resolution.

03 - PRD

That's what the GM6 file was called. This is history. My first attempt at a platformer. Witness my horrible design choices and cringe

04 - Ye Aulde Fangame

Megaman. You'll be seeing a few of these. This one was horrible. Twitchy, buggy. Nasty.

05 - Bomberman

A Bomberman fangame? It had a crude two-player local play mode.I drew all the sprites except for Bomberman himself. Dates back to 2007.

06 - FIRE!

Not a game, but a cool real-time fire effect I made with GM's particle system (Before I'd even heard of particle-designer).

07 - Reflections!

Once again, not a game, but a visual effect designed for that book I was writing for Packt a while back. Surfaces were used.

08 - Minimaps!

Another example for that book. Minimaps turned out to be pretty easy to make.

09 - The simplest platformer ever made

Also for that book. Meh. I turned this into a semi-awesome ninja game later on.

10 - Deathzero's YYG rampage

Before I was on 64digits, I was on YYG. That's death getting slapped in the face by me. Yay. Officially the largest sprite I ever made was the dragon in the background (Multiple parts, so the wings and hands could move).

11 - Shadow Ninja

This is the simple platformer from earlier. Turned into a more complicated platformer with walljumping, wall-clinging and gory death by spike!

Still on my YYG profile if you care to try it…

12 - Dragons Keep - The RPG

A tale of knights and dragons and a poorly implemented RPG system in GM!

13 - Battle City

An attempted remake of sorts of an old NES/Arcade game: Battle City.

Done for practice, according to the notepad file in the same folder.

14 - CoDEx - Cool Dynamic Executor

Not cool at all. Not useful at all. Just fun to mess around with occasionally. GM doesn't need this.

15 - Cubeworld

A precursor to In a Word. You can kill yourself, leaving a 'shell', which can be used to reach higher places. Kinda pointless.

16 - Megaman Battle

NOOOOO! It's another fangame…

17 - Castle of Shadows

An obvious Castlevania ripoff, but I never got further than creating this single screen. The character art scared me off (This was very early in my art career :P)

18,19 - Megaman 92

Meh. Another one. This one had a two player co-op mode that was buggy, just like the rest of the game. It's still on YYG.

20 - Hyperspace

A space invaders clone I didn't get very far with.

21 - Dragons Keep - The RPG - In color!

I converted it to color, fixed it up a bit, the gave up again.

22 - In a Word

Known as 'Squareman' amongst my family, thanks to my youngest brother. Made for the RDC originally.

23 - Tower Ascent

Recognize some of those tiles? The character?

24,25 - In a word 2 (Squareman 2)

Yup. I made another one. Fully featured, but essentially a sandbox game for my youngest brother, who asked for it. Has a level editor.

26 - Cycore

Anybody remember this?

27 - Eternal Castle

Another Castlevania clone. Still on YYG.

28 - Unnamed Platformer

Dunno what this is. Pretty stable/solid, but I don't remember making it, even though my name is in the file-info.

29 - Racing King

Made in front of two hyper kids who didn't want to see me defeat Dr Weil for the thousandth time, but would rather I made games. Fortunately, they left not too long into the development of this one.

30 - Jettison

A shooter I never finished.

31 - Tetris

I refuse to describe.

32 - Core

Blatant Hero Core ripoff, done as an exercise after being challenged to do it by somebody. Can't remember who. Probably a friend IRL.

33 - Ice Caverns

Recognize that character? This was his debut. He charged up his power, then unleashed either a small fireball, or a firewall attack.

34 - Survive

Yet another Mega platformer. Done to GB spec. Complete, and on YYG.

35 - Tunnelspace

No explanation needed.

36 - Flood the Mines!

I'm not finishing it. I did add a pickax and a few more rooms, though.

37 - Velocite

My first attempt at '16-bit' style art.

38 - Squareman 3

Yup. I made a third one. With bosses this time. My brother loved it, but loved editing the GMK more. (He spent most of his time prior to discovering Minecraft picking apart the GMK's I gave him. His age? He turned 7 in January.)

39 - Preservation

Old platformer idea that I had where you progress slowly through the levels GENETOS style (Your character 'evolves' to NES style, then to modern-'retro' style).

40 - Velocite R

I think most of you know about this. If not, see my games on this site.

41 - QuickRogue

Now I get why people thought the character looked a bit like…

42 - Castle Runner

Idea: Precision platformer where you play as a crazy guy running through ancient ruins without stopping. Didn't pan out.

43 - Dash

A high-res game I was planning, in which you play as a 'drop-pod' and must dodge some debris while hitting other on your way down to the planet.

44 - Tunnelspace 2.0

Just a resprite of my old Tunnelspace game.

45 - Quickform

Not much to say about it.

46 - Tilestorm (Jewel Tetris)

I never uploaded this, even though it was 'complete'. Why? Because it can't possibly stand up to ColumnsX.

47 - Forge

I dunno about you, but I love my art in this game. It was supposed to be a story-conveying game, but I never finished it.

48 - ZERO!

Yes ladies and gentlemen, another fangame!


This one was done for technical reasons though: I wanted to implement

the Z-Sabre (A seperately attached weapon that doesn't use the player's

collision mask) and wall grabbing/sliding/jumping.

49 - Some tiles

Heh. Made a mockup of these. I was doing them on commission for somebody, but when I had finished them, he'd forgotten he wanted them.

50 - Starcross

I'm thinking of at least getting a semi-finished demo up on the site.

51 - Alterality

Do I really need to say much about it? I am fixing some of the bugs though, and I'll upload it when I'm done.

52 - Lightbound

Another familiar game, I'm sure.

53 - Tactical RPG with Mechas

Like the SRT games. Never got further than a fancy dialogue system that pans or warps to a given tilem, and displays a portrait. Also, it prints out the dialogue character-by-character.

54 - Microblaster

My time-controlling Shmup went slow-mo and for some reason I can't coax it beyond 10 FPS. Even when I turn all particles off.

55 - Unfinished and unnamed battle system

ATB 2 clone. The FIGHT command, turn ordering, damage text and menu selection works perfectly.

56, 57 - Eternal Castle Remake

I was trying to make a more modern looking remake of my CV clone for Scary Four Digits. Never got very far (It had slopes of my own design =D)

58 - Epic Christmas

I think that this one is still pretty fresh in people's minds.

59 - Mech MX-03

Remember that Mecha I drew? I made a sprite for it.

I was making a game for it too, but… never got anywhere.

60 - Dragons Keep - The platformer

Another Castlevania based game, but with Knights and Dragons instead. I have a nice multiple-weapon system going. This is my current work-in-progress.


Some notable history. Recognize it? I found it in the file-manager.

Ah, I remember the assassination, the Creeper blowing Kit up when he was trying to kill me, Laputa being blown up… *Bomberman theme starts playing*

See, I told you it was 64 screenshots! And I'm never doing this via the 64digits file manager again… ;_;


svf 12 years, 7 months ago

Jeesus, fuck. SO much stuff. It took me about a minute to scroll down. Cool though.

Astryl 12 years, 7 months ago

And this isn't all of it either. I have a lot of concept art, concept animations, design docs, sketches… Heh. Too many projects, too little time.

Quietus 12 years, 7 months ago

Jesus, no wonder your name is Mega.

seriously though, this makes my few programming accomplishments feel like nothing now xD

Rob 12 years, 7 months ago

I see you really like Megaman….

JuurianChi 12 years, 7 months ago

Holy fuck, I had played a ton of these back when I thought games from Yoyo were cool.

Nice going!

aeron 12 years, 7 months ago

This is awesome. I wish I hadn't lost so many of my old projects, else I would make one of these.

Alert Games 12 years, 7 months ago

I have all my projects, but yeah my games were pretty crappy and unfinished :P Now I have the knowlege of having everything organized and not-so-buggy.

Rob 12 years, 7 months ago


JuurianChi 12 years, 7 months ago

Mine is bigger.

death 12 years, 7 months ago

damn that's a lot of projects. many i never seen before. many that never went far =P lol i'm sure i could make a blog about 40 long at least. i might try that. only difficult part is that half my stuff was deleted ages ago.