I am at work right now, working on an iPad.
I just realized… I don't have the slightest clue as to how this thing works, besides the mandatory basics, such as Internet use.Also, this iPad lacks apps, and it also lacks permission to use the AppStore.so, a question for those of you who own one of these accursed machines: can you install free apps any other way?Short blog because typing on this infernal contraption is abominable.I'm still working on that Radeon problem…iPad, therefore iCannot... Get used to this...
Posted by Astryl on Aug. 10, 2012, 4:48 a.m.
Can't. Company property. Never mind. I discovered the Apple store details amongst the papers I have.
Well, I'll get back to work.*tries very hard not to bash the ipad and/or compare it and its users to chiken's picture*
lmao iPad are so funny. they go for like $500 here and i still can't see why people would want to spend that kind of money on a giant iPod. You could buy a PC for that price and get a lot more work done with it. i mean really, $600 for 1ghz cpu and 16 gb of memory? you have got to be kidding me. Apple is trollin' their ballz off.
also if it's company property than yeah, don't do anything with it other than work. they're probably monitoring your use and they don't want you screwing around with it :P now get back to work!Ugh, Apple hand held products are notorious for being difficult to monitor in IT. Generally difficult to do most things with a corporate standard in mind.
1. The point of a tablet is so you can carry it around where you wouldn't normally carry a PC…
2. There are other tablets similar to the iPad (Android-based) that provide the same functionality and are cheaper plus have the open-source thing going, but3. iPad still has the greatest variety of apps (because it's been around longer - Android's appstore is catching up though). /rantGreatest variety does not mean greatest quality though. The good apps get ported to android pretty quickly. Developers are always glad to sell to two different markets.
true, somewhat
There was a pretty nice app for Android I saw that lets you write/test code on the device. Fun stuff. It's not like porting's instant though, Apple has a slight time advantage there (like I said though, Android's almost caught up by now - I think)Heh. Managed to get some free software for it, notably a calculator app and a word-processing app.
I've already decided that if I'm getting any sort of tablet, I'm getting an Android.For the record, my mom uses her iPad for hours upon hours a day, and it really is a good fit for her. But laptops are still way superior in every way.