Mega can't skateboard...

Posted by Astryl on Sept. 3, 2012, 3:30 a.m.

I was originally going to title this "I used to be a well coordinated human like you, but the I took a skateboard to the knee", but…

Anyway, Saturday was an amusing day. I got home from work and saw my brother and sister skateboarding on our driveway.

Here's a transcript, for the court:


Witness testimony

– Ohshitskateboard –

I was walking down the driveway at about 2:30 PM…

I looked down and saw the skateboard that my sister had just stepped off.

So I decided to try skateboarding again, for old time's sake…

Next thing I knew, I was lying on the ground, and couldn't feel my knee.

Begin the cross-examination.

Anyway, I twisted my knee and did something funky to the cartilage (An old problem of mine) at the same time; so now I'm hobbling around with a stick, trying to keep my leg straight. Woohoo.

I'd kick something if my leg was able to…

I'd write more, but I'm too busy playing a certain game. +1 for the first person to guess what I'm playing. Evidence is in the above blog…


eagly 12 years ago

Do you want to talk about it, Toast?

Toast 12 years ago

Why must such a finely crafted witticism about eagly's unmentioned return from absence be ruined by sexual innuendo

Visor 12 years ago

Seriously am I the only guy who thinks DaggerHog's name sounds like some kind of 80's super hero?

(this is in relation to what Mega said about him and a few others being in a closet).

Astryl 12 years ago

Kinda reminds me of a fanmade Robot Master/Maverick. It's missing a syllable or two though.

@toast: I dunno. By the way, where's Rob?

Toast 12 years ago

By the way, where's Rob?
Nothing would surprise me

Astryl 12 years ago

Sure. What if you mysteriously woke up on the rooftop of a rundown apartment in the middle of Johannesburg, South Africa, with a vuvuzela in one hand and an angry mob on the streets below?

Toast 12 years ago

I meant concerning Rob's location, not me personally.

Standing up too quickly surprises me.

Astryl 12 years ago


pounce4evur 12 years ago

Obviously Skyrim. I'm playing it like crazy, too. :3

Am I the only one who was hoping for a video? ._.

JuurianChi 12 years ago

The blog is about skating, are you playing Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD?

Edit: No, duh. It's Phoenix Wright.

Damn you, Eagly.