Exile: Darkhold

Posted by Astryl on Nov. 15, 2012, 7:28 a.m.

In short, I've been working on Exile. Here are some new screenshots:

And at length, this is a 'sequel'. Or basically: The game as I wanted it to be.

Some new features include layered levels, diagonal blocks, and a faster paced magic based combat system (Projectiles move faster, cost less mana).

I also want to try my hand at making directional versions of the monster sprites. You only need four directions (NE, SE, NW, SW), and one forward-facing set with the attacks and such. The directional versions only need the stand and walk animations.

In other news, I finally managed to figure line-segment collision out. And was thinking of remodeling Exile to use sectors instead of cubes… but then realized how much work it'd be. Kinda not worth the trouble.

So I'll leave that for my next 3D game…

Well, I'll get back to wondering what I should do with my life…


Pirate-rob 12 years, 3 months ago

Why would you need monsters to face any way other than the player? It's not like they suddenly just stop attacking the player and walk off :)

Astryl 12 years, 3 months ago

True, in a simple environment. But in some cases it should be possible to sneak up on the monster. But that will be dependent on whether or not I feel like doing it. Got the code for it already, but it's the sprite work that's going to be a pain…

Cesque 12 years, 3 months ago

Why would you need monsters to face any way other than the player? It's not like they suddenly just stop attacking the player and walk off :)

Have a power will which turns monsters blue and makes them run away!

P.S. You should somehow fix that view thing when blocks too close to you become invisible.

death 12 years, 3 months ago

not sure what im looking at. almost completely black pictures lol xD


also you need multi-direction sprites, because it makes the enemies feel more real, when they're actually capable of moving in more than 1 direction. That would be boring as hell. I know, i made a game with 1 directional sprites and this forces the enemy to either stand still or walk towards you. of course i have path finding so this isn't always the case, sometimes they walk around things and it looks like they're walking backwards. it's just not good looking.

anyway nice to see you still working on this :P the speed up and less magic consumption sound like good ideas too. also i like your idea of only doing 5 directions and only have the front sprite animate attacks and what not. that would make spriting it much faster and it's really necessary to have attacks on all directions since they should only be attacking you. (however if you're only doing diagonal sprite directions, it may or may not look a little strange if viewing the enemy from certain angles)

Of course in doom they had all directions with all animations, but Doom monsters actually fight each other. I always thought that was bad ass. they are monsters after all. it's like being in a tiger cage and the tigers start to fight each other over who gets to eat the human.

Charlie Carlo 12 years, 3 months ago

I missed this blog. This looks awesome. I'm hoping for some cool, non-teddygraham enemies to shoot with magic.

Astryl 12 years, 3 months ago

P.S. You should somehow fix that view thing when blocks too close to you become invisible.
I did. In the patch. :P

I'm hoping for some cool, non-teddygraham enemies to shoot with magic.
Teleporting vampires. Bats. That's all I've got at the moment in my 'to sprite' list. Got any other ideas?

Charlie Carlo 12 years, 3 months ago

… Trolls.

Pirate-rob 12 years, 3 months ago

Guys with blonde hair in hoodies smoking.

Kunedon 12 years, 3 months ago

Guys with blonde hair in hoodies smoking.
And pupilless eyes.

Astryl 12 years, 3 months ago

Guys with blonde hair in hoodies smoking.
And pupilless eyes.

That, to me, speaks of an excuse to have lasers shooting out of said eyes.