'Unlimited' internet...

Posted by Astryl on Feb. 25, 2013, 3:44 a.m.

Last month, our national ISP announced their plan to put all entry-level and higher broadband connections onto a 'soft cap' system.

This basically gives us 10GB of full-speed internet, and once that's gone, we have 'prioritized' internet access. Meaning that priority is given to the people who haven't used up all their initial data.

This is basically a form of throttling, in two ways. It makes the connection slow on certain sites, and makes the user want to throttle the ISP. They also set lowest priority to 'video streams' and 'file transfers'.

Now Youtube is painfully slow, so I can't really use it (Though ironically I can upload videos at a decent rate). Other things I can do:

> Use Soundcloud (Given a few seconds to buffer the music)

> Use NicoNico.

> Use uTorrent (At around 5KB per second)

> Download hosted files from other sites at around half speed (50KB per second).

> Use Steam at full speed, probably because of the local servers.

> Access most sites. Except those that rely heavily on things like YT, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Out of all the sites I can access, Twitter and 64Digits are the fastest. So not too bad.

So, did anybody else buy the Mojam 2 bundle? I did. Watched the livestreams for a while too. Ditched 'em when the Scrolls giveaway began (Though I did try for a code, to be honest).

I watched Jeb, mostly. His code style is pretty similar to the way I've been working recently. He was also giving nice bits of insight into the way he codes every so often.

I'm looking forward to poking around all the source code to the games.

Anyway, I leave you with some of the music I'm listening to at the moment.

No new music from me, I'm working on several pieces at the moment that are progressing very slowly. Two of them are synth pieces, one of them is a 'classical' piece using a soundfont, and the others are chiptunes (There's three of them).

Note, this is a blind embed. Hope it's what I intended :P


JuurianChi 11 years, 6 months ago

Someone sent me the Mojam 2 Bundle - I didn't know anything about it before then.

Eva unit-01 11 years, 6 months ago

Throttling of any sort is BS. I know that feel.

I have 'unlimited' usage, so I don't have a cap. But I've been throttled out of nowhere before, HEAVILY.

melee-master 11 years, 6 months ago

That's really lame. I have 1TB of bandwidth a month, 250 down 15 up. If I ever go over I won't get throttled but I will have to pay for the unlimited variant of my plan.

Astryl 11 years, 6 months ago

Yeah, it is lame the more I think about it. But it's still a lot better than the previous plan: You can't access the internet (With the exception of some 'local' sites) once you've reached the cap.

Of course, that raises the question: Why do we have the cap in place anyway?

This country definitely has enough network capacity to handle it. We have all those undersea cables, and I hear we're starting to roll out VDSL this/next year…

EDIT: I am pleased to report that at the very least, Steam is working at full speed, so I can finally download some of the 31 games I've had lying around just waiting to be played.

F1ak3r 11 years, 6 months ago

Machinae Supremacy is a rad band, but I'm not the biggest fan of that vocalist.

Of course, that raises the question: Why do we have the cap in place anyway?

Same reason Vodacom still charges unbelievable amounts per MB.

Toast 11 years, 6 months ago

Have you tried torrenting 12-6am? That's around the time my ISP stops blocking it and it goes from 30KB/s to 500KB/s.

bendodge 11 years, 6 months ago

Why do we have the cap in place anyway?
Perhaps they're trying to save on peering costs.

Astryl 11 years, 6 months ago

I'll be pulling a near-all-nighter tonight, so I'll see what happens, Toast.

RC 11 years, 6 months ago

My internet has a 15GB/mo cap, but supposedly between 12am and 5am it's unmeasured. I have no way to check my usage through my ISP directly, so I still keep it under 15GB regardless… unless Steam decides to download a 3 1/2GB game after pausing the download like it just did.

Astryl 11 years, 6 months ago

Now I know where all my hard-drive space went to:

On a more realistic note, rounding errors aside, Steam is running at a more or less consistent 1MBPS at the moment. I consider that pretty nice. Means I can download stuff at a decent clip, for me anyways.

EDIT: I'm being a rebel tonight. Shoot me. I blame it on running out of coffee and being stuck with herbal tea.