'Unlimited' internet...

Posted by Astryl on Feb. 25, 2013, 3:44 a.m.

Last month, our national ISP announced their plan to put all entry-level and higher broadband connections onto a 'soft cap' system.

This basically gives us 10GB of full-speed internet, and once that's gone, we have 'prioritized' internet access. Meaning that priority is given to the people who haven't used up all their initial data.

This is basically a form of throttling, in two ways. It makes the connection slow on certain sites, and makes the user want to throttle the ISP. They also set lowest priority to 'video streams' and 'file transfers'.

Now Youtube is painfully slow, so I can't really use it (Though ironically I can upload videos at a decent rate). Other things I can do:

> Use Soundcloud (Given a few seconds to buffer the music)

> Use NicoNico.

> Use uTorrent (At around 5KB per second)

> Download hosted files from other sites at around half speed (50KB per second).

> Use Steam at full speed, probably because of the local servers.

> Access most sites. Except those that rely heavily on things like YT, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Out of all the sites I can access, Twitter and 64Digits are the fastest. So not too bad.

So, did anybody else buy the Mojam 2 bundle? I did. Watched the livestreams for a while too. Ditched 'em when the Scrolls giveaway began (Though I did try for a code, to be honest).

I watched Jeb, mostly. His code style is pretty similar to the way I've been working recently. He was also giving nice bits of insight into the way he codes every so often.

I'm looking forward to poking around all the source code to the games.

Anyway, I leave you with some of the music I'm listening to at the moment.

No new music from me, I'm working on several pieces at the moment that are progressing very slowly. Two of them are synth pieces, one of them is a 'classical' piece using a soundfont, and the others are chiptunes (There's three of them).

Note, this is a blind embed. Hope it's what I intended :P


flashback 11 years, 6 months ago

25Mb/s down and 2 up here, but unmetered bandwidth.

bendodge 11 years, 6 months ago

No caps, no throttling. [:D] Also no incoming traffic. [:(]

Astryl 11 years, 6 months ago

Now the amusing thing is, the upload speed isn't throttled at all. So I'm almost tempted to do an all night long Lets Play of something. Only problem is, that'd probably wake everybody up.

bendodge 11 years, 6 months ago

Host 64D for the night.

Toast 11 years, 6 months ago

All this speed and you can't torrent at all fml

Astryl 11 years, 6 months ago

I'm starting to get torrent speeds of between 50 and 100KB per second at the moment.

death 11 years, 6 months ago

yay Machinae Supremacy. i have all their albums. great band. I didn't get the Mojam bundle. i saw an ad for it but it didn't interest me much. felt stupid to pay for what, rushed alpha builds of some random games? i know it's for a "good cause" but i just didn't care to pay or play that stuff.

my ISP has no throttling, or cap, or limit, or anything like that. Just one consistent speed and unlimited bandwidth. as far as i know at least. i never seem to go over it if it exists. My download speed on local servers (such as Steam) is around 1MB~2MB. I get the same results on torrents with a good upload ratio. all websites run well unless they are busy sites like YT, which can often get slow at random or even refuse to load a page. it's a real bummer to have to deal with all that crap though. i feel sorry for ya.

melee-master 11 years, 6 months ago


death 11 years, 6 months ago

WTF? I can only imagine you guys must have some uncapped server-hosting plan on your ISPs because that kinda speed is completely unnecessary for casual internet use.

Kamira 11 years, 6 months ago

And that's a pretty decent speed here:(