'Unlimited' internet...

Posted by Astryl on Feb. 25, 2013, 3:44 a.m.

Last month, our national ISP announced their plan to put all entry-level and higher broadband connections onto a 'soft cap' system.

This basically gives us 10GB of full-speed internet, and once that's gone, we have 'prioritized' internet access. Meaning that priority is given to the people who haven't used up all their initial data.

This is basically a form of throttling, in two ways. It makes the connection slow on certain sites, and makes the user want to throttle the ISP. They also set lowest priority to 'video streams' and 'file transfers'.

Now Youtube is painfully slow, so I can't really use it (Though ironically I can upload videos at a decent rate). Other things I can do:

> Use Soundcloud (Given a few seconds to buffer the music)

> Use NicoNico.

> Use uTorrent (At around 5KB per second)

> Download hosted files from other sites at around half speed (50KB per second).

> Use Steam at full speed, probably because of the local servers.

> Access most sites. Except those that rely heavily on things like YT, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Out of all the sites I can access, Twitter and 64Digits are the fastest. So not too bad.

So, did anybody else buy the Mojam 2 bundle? I did. Watched the livestreams for a while too. Ditched 'em when the Scrolls giveaway began (Though I did try for a code, to be honest).

I watched Jeb, mostly. His code style is pretty similar to the way I've been working recently. He was also giving nice bits of insight into the way he codes every so often.

I'm looking forward to poking around all the source code to the games.

Anyway, I leave you with some of the music I'm listening to at the moment.

No new music from me, I'm working on several pieces at the moment that are progressing very slowly. Two of them are synth pieces, one of them is a 'classical' piece using a soundfont, and the others are chiptunes (There's three of them).

Note, this is a blind embed. Hope it's what I intended :P


JuurianChi 11 years, 6 months ago

I'm lucky enough to live in a city that has an alternative to Bell, Rogers, and whatever that Quebec ISP is.

Heh, how long has Bell been in that racket?

firestormx 11 years, 6 months ago

Since about 1880, when it first had the monopoly on phones. :3

Cpsgames 11 years, 6 months ago

You live in KC?
I don't. :( I'm about an hour and a half north of KC, otherwise I definitely would have got Google Fiber by now. Hopefully it'll make its way up here eventually.

When I move in a couple months I'll be getting a slightly faster connection though. So that's something, I guess.

Astryl 11 years, 6 months ago

I'd be jealous of your download speeds, but I'm trying patience instead. At this rate, it'll take me two months of 10 hour per day downloading to download all the Steam games I currently own, and another month to download the games I want. Yay. At least I'll be forced to do something productive while I wait…

flashback 11 years, 6 months ago

Western Canada is really good. In the eastern half it is ridiculous.
Ha ha ha ha

Ha ha


Everything here's owned by Shaw, who've been increasing their rates for years. We're paying $50/mo for that 25/2 unlimited plan from Distributel (which wholesales Shaw). Hopefully Google Fiber shows up here.

bendodge 11 years, 6 months ago

We should start mailing flash drives back and forth for our members with drinking-straw pipes.

Astryl 11 years, 6 months ago

We should start mailing flash drives back and forth for our members with drinking-straw pipes.
Mail based P2P.

flashback 11 years, 6 months ago

Actually, mailing large-capacity SSDs is cheaper and faster than almost any ISP in Canada (in data throughput, of course. Latency is an issue.)

See Also

Astryl 11 years, 6 months ago

That's an awesome idea. Pity my neighbor got rid of his flock of pigeons…

Next we try Intercontinental Ballistic Packets.

firestormx 11 years, 6 months ago

unlimited plan
What is this unlimited bandwidth? I used to have to pay $2/gig.

Edit: I'm just being a woe is me asshole, btw.