Fun with Windows 10 (Technical Preview)

Posted by Astryl on Oct. 2, 2014, 11 a.m.

So Microsoft Announced Windows 10 a couple of days ago.

That's right, not 9. 10.

They released a Technical Preview for "IT Professionals" and suchlike yesterday, and I signed up.

Downloaded the ISO last night, installed it this morning… and voila:

Dunno if that embed is gonna work. I'm trying OneDrive out, as I haven't installed Dropbox yet.

Here's the new Start Menu, if anybody is interested:

One of the first things I noticed is that Win10 doesn't force you into the Start Screen. It's still around, if you choose to activate it, but isn't the default/imposed setting now.

Metro apps don't run in fullscreen, and instead start maximized and can be resized/moved like any normal Window.

Haven't had any driver issues, with the exception of the generic "Tablet Pen" drivers that were installed for my tablet. Basically, my tablet is one giant "Reset PC" button at the moment :P

On the installation front, installing was smooth, allowed me to install to a partition easily, and dual boots perfectly.

I'll add more pictures and stuff if I feel like it.

EDIT: Yeah, OneDrive doesn't like linking. I'll update the images when I've installed Dropbox.

Dropbox installed and images fixed.


Astryl 9 years, 11 months ago

List of stuff I got working so far:

- Minecraft (I should damned well hope so)

- Steam

- Fallout 3 & New Vegas

- Skyrim

- Dark Souls (After much persuading, I got GFWL to work)

Next up, gonna test how broken my some old GM games are.


Well… that was pleasantly surprising…

Alert Games 9 years, 11 months ago

The thing about 8 is that it had the right ideas but failed in execution dramatically. I think 'metro' apps are the way to go for many applications because it can easily be used between systems, kinda like Google's App Launcher which I think is pretty genius.

Astryl 9 years, 11 months ago

I just ran all of my old GM6 games without a hitch… besides the fact that MIDI playback doesn't seem to be working properly.

Astryl 9 years, 11 months ago

Not gonna get too optimistic. I still want to test a few 'big' GM6 games. But it is looking that way so far.

LAR Games 9 years, 11 months ago

Quote: Cyclon Robert
In the 2 years I've been using windows 8 I've never had the need to run metro exclusive apps but then again I have it installed on a desktop instead of a tablet.
If someone doesn't have it on a tablet there's absolutely no need for it, so that makes sense. I however, have actually used it A LOT when I'm using my Surface as a notebook for school, so it's not completely useless. :P

Acid 9 years, 11 months ago

I use some Metro apps sometimes but always as fullscreen windows on the desktop rather than in the MetroUI.

I think if every application ran with the desktop Metro fullscreen, it would be amazing. The start menu looks kind of dumb, but I'm sure it'll grow on me.

What excites me though, is the potential for the OS to actually be modular enough to run the same exact content on both phones, tablets, laptops, and desktops - that would totally eliminate the need to port software between hardware platforms and make life so much easier on the user end. MS tried to sell Windows 8 on that idea, so I'm more than a bit skeptical, but the idea is so enticing.

Let's see what you can do, Microsoft.

Toast 9 years, 11 months ago

Xbox One, Windows 10, I see a pattern forming here. The pattern is that you just make the number up.

flashback 9 years, 11 months ago

Looks like the way it should be. You should be able to snap windows they way you used to though, like half screen and stuff. Maybe they could make the half screen stuff work on dual screen setups as well cause that pisses me off on 7 and 8.
WIN+Left and WIN+Right are your friends.

Alert Games 9 years, 11 months ago

@flashback: Classic case of windows being picky, but yes.

Overall, there are many people who are not as tech savvy that I think would use the metro apps because theyre simple to use. But I think the apps are way TOO simple right now. You cant do much of anything with any of them. But I agree with software being more simple for those who dont need 1000 different functions for an email client.

Thats why I like the google app launcher, but that is a little tricky to use if youre not as tech savvy either

Astryl 9 years, 11 months ago

Just discovered the Quarter-snap. Either Win+Diagonal Direction or drag the window into the desired corner, and it snaps.

Also, they stole Linux 'virtual desktops' this time round:

This is a feature I'm happy with; I use them on my Ubuntu machine at work a lot.