The end of your subscription

Posted by BenRK on Dec. 11, 2007, 1:27 p.m.

Hello. Lets get right to the point, shall we? 64Digits sucks, and let me say right now, that if I'm banned/warned/whatever, that only proves my point. Now, lets give some reasons, shall I? For starters, some… most of the people here are self centered, "I'm better than you"… people (wow, great way to put it, huh?). I'm not going to give names, I'll just say most.

That is the main reason however, but a good one. There is also the fact that this site frowns on newbies (frowning on n00bs is fine however, but it's also a different situation as well). This is most likely related to my first point (and most likely only point), but still. People have to start somewhere, and frowning on their actions of learning will only turn them away from what ever subject they are on (Game Maker, art, whatever). This makes the site seem like an exclusive club that no one really likes anyway (the club).

I'm sure this blog will do little to change anything, but I don't mind being a martyr in this case (if I'm banned/warned/whatever that is).


The person who brought you that crappy game of Dr. Putts.


Requiem 17 years, 2 months ago

most of the people here are self centered, "I'm better than you"… people
And you're a hypocrite.

BenRK 17 years, 2 months ago

Phil Steele, I am saying that. I am also saying I would rather this comunity stop bashing things and be a bit more friendly and less self centered (as ironic as that is).

And Juju, may I refer you to the quote of me that you have on your comment, and let me say you don't have to go to monkeyandpie posts (again, risking being ironic).

And JakeX, I'm not a hypocrite, I'm just an ass.

s 17 years, 2 months ago

An ass is a self centered "I'm better than you" person

And it'd be nice if you could support your points with reference, so that we may weigh such accusations for ourself

Cesque 17 years, 2 months ago

Oh, my. So you're a martyr - proudly stating what everyone is afraid to say, bearing the slings and arrows and the, uh, increased warn level that you somehow expect to get from the evil nazi dictatorship ruling this site. How noble, oh well, and that'll teach those elite treehouse club kids a lesson for sure!

BenRK 17 years, 2 months ago

Why, serprex, I have supported my point with my previous comment, but you would have to do a little bit of research to get it.

And Cesque, I find that my point would be proven if I'm warned or blocked because of a blog that gets after the site it is on, as the owner or who ever would find it offensive, showing that they can't take a simple and silly blog that poses no threat to them. (Or something like that…)

poultry 17 years, 2 months ago

The reason is because we don't like newfags, CLOSE REGISTRATION PLZ KTHX

s 17 years, 2 months ago

Fraid doing research should be left to the author

DesertFox 17 years, 2 months ago

A few things here

1) You expect to be warned over this? I think you <i>want</i> to be warned over this because it would prove you right. Unfortunately, 64D is funny in the way that we let you speak your mind.

2) Just about everyone is self-centered. You especially because you think that everyone will care enough about you to warn or ban you. Doubly so because you are saying most everyone here is self-centered and that you aren't - which sounds pretty self-centered to me.

So get off your high horse and look at yourself before condemning other people.

Quote: Nathan
"rawr rawr rawr I'm better than you!"
I don't say that =/

basilamer 17 years, 2 months ago

Quote: phazon yoshi
and DnDers
Using D&D should be completely acceptable. I know some of the best Game Maker users use this feature. Even Mark Overmars himself! Shunning users of one of Game Maker's signature features makes no sense and should stop.

(No, I do not use D&D)

BenRK 17 years, 2 months ago

DesertFox, I never said I wasn't self centered. I'm well aware of this fact, and it's one of those things I hate about my self. Next time, please read your source for what you are saying, as I never said I wasn't. Now, if I said I wasn't, then your comment would be valad.

Aslo, I don't accept comments from ChIkEn, as he makes an ass of him self with out my help.