The end of your subscription

Posted by BenRK on Dec. 11, 2007, 1:27 p.m.

Hello. Lets get right to the point, shall we? 64Digits sucks, and let me say right now, that if I'm banned/warned/whatever, that only proves my point. Now, lets give some reasons, shall I? For starters, some… most of the people here are self centered, "I'm better than you"… people (wow, great way to put it, huh?). I'm not going to give names, I'll just say most.

That is the main reason however, but a good one. There is also the fact that this site frowns on newbies (frowning on n00bs is fine however, but it's also a different situation as well). This is most likely related to my first point (and most likely only point), but still. People have to start somewhere, and frowning on their actions of learning will only turn them away from what ever subject they are on (Game Maker, art, whatever). This makes the site seem like an exclusive club that no one really likes anyway (the club).

I'm sure this blog will do little to change anything, but I don't mind being a martyr in this case (if I'm banned/warned/whatever that is).


The person who brought you that crappy game of Dr. Putts.


Nathan 17 years, 2 months ago

64Digits is a much more enjoyable place than the GMC
64D > GMC.

So your saying its better than a pile of shit? Wow! Thats saying a lot. I agree completely with BenRK. This is the best blog I've seen on the site in several months! Cause it isn't all just "rawr rawr rawr I'm better than you!" Or talking about useless stuff with stupid combo replies.

Anyways, just thought I say I agree :)

Grand-High Gamer 17 years, 2 months ago FTW.

BenRK 17 years, 2 months ago

Wait, am I getting support or sarcasm?

Grand-High Gamer 17 years, 2 months ago


Nathan 17 years, 2 months ago

You mean me? I was being serious.

PY 17 years, 2 months ago


I don't think many are particularly self centered, 'specially not compared to the GMC.

I want to be a member of 'the club'! I didn't have any 'initiation tests', I don't think we're hard on newbies, just n00bs. And DnDers.

Juju 17 years, 2 months ago

The GMC isn't suposed to be a place where people chat about nonsense. It's suposed to be an active help file.
I refer you to "monkeyandpie." This chappy is a n00b with no understanding of basic capitalisation, poorly thoughtout concepts and cannot code in scripts (he only uses D&D). He is an irritation and gets in the way of everything constructive. He posts in the Experts Forum.

I shall tack pixx of him haxxing!
This is a 64Digits meme and a funny one at that. I can only name noteable meme from the GMC - Some shitty "Drink Tea or Die" game.

I don't know about you, but I'd rather have a close-knit and supportive pseudo-elitist society than a useless and unreliable collection of idiots running a "help file."

s 17 years, 2 months ago

If you don't like a site, go to another. There are many sites, each with their own ways

You're main point has no support, and I think you'll find many people like that anywhere you go

If we don't act nice on new people, praps it is because they don't react well enough to a little badgering. That's one thing I like about 64D, most people won't get mad over a few snide comments of jest unless they're having a bad day or something

PY 17 years, 2 months ago

Or a 'die in a fire' joke.

Phil Steele 17 years, 2 months ago

Chances are where ever you go at some point someone is going to piss you off. You can't seriously be saying most people here are like that?