File Manager Glitch

Posted by Big J on Nov. 3, 2011, 1:25 a.m.

I wonder how soon they plan to fix the ugly "Browse" button glitch.

It's been like that for over a year.


PY 13 years, 4 months ago

This is how we treat bug reports, now? Even when they clearly show the problem, and there's nothing else to add?

Nice to see you've stopped caring about the site itself.

Cesque 13 years, 4 months ago

Who's they?

At this point, the file manager is not so much a consciously designed part of the site but a powerful ancient artifact we've come across with no idea how to alter it.

sirxemic 13 years, 4 months ago

No. Why would you use flash if you can use javascript?

Alert Games 13 years, 4 months ago

Someone should really fix that, along with the other 2147483648 bugs on this site :P

see what i did there

Alert Games 13 years, 4 months ago

also you dont even need the browse button. just shorten the textbox a little, have the default text be "Click to Browse", and you just need to click the textbox itself.

No button needed.

sirxemic 13 years, 4 months ago

You do know that the browse button is PART OF the control, right? A solution which I'm too lazy to implement would be: make the file input control hidden, and use a text input control's click event to trigger file browsing.

Castypher 13 years, 4 months ago

Jesus Christ, PY.

You should honestly give it a shot if you feel so strongly about it. Most of the people on site maintenance either have lives (the vast majority of us) or don't understand the vicious site code (like myself). Honestly, you complain so fucking much for someone who doesn't contribute. While I agree that the site's broken as hell, complaining about it isn't going to make people any less busy with life.

Once I figure out how to get back into the source (haven't been able to do it since a few months after V3's release), I'll see what I can do. Until then, just chill out. I'm surprised you're not used to this yet.

PY, I like you and all, but somebody had to say it. Everyone and their cat knows the site is bugged to hell and back, so saying it again is just getting annoying.

PY 13 years, 4 months ago

I think you've missed my point, kilin. Insulting and then defronting somebody for a pretty decent bug report is not an attitude I can get behind. Yes, the site has a lot of broken elements, no, nobody can afford to spend all day working on the site, but that does not mean you should brush aside and berate people who try to report long-standing bugs.

If you think that that sort of attitude is acceptable, I really don't know what to say.

Castypher 13 years, 4 months ago

I'm not saying it is acceptable. In no way did I imply that. Likewise, I don't condone whatever action Cyrus may have taken (thought minus the defronting, what he did wasn't an insult unless you're an extremely sensitive person). But I'm talking about every other time someone mentions a site bug, you're right on top of it when it comes to insulting site staff. It's incredibly annoying, no matter how humorous you mean it to be. And I'm not the only one who thinks so.

At any rate, I'd like to see some site bugs fixed as well, so why don't we:

1) Actually use the to-do list

2) Post a blog or two containing a list of things we think need fixing

3) Try to get bugs fixed when people are out of school

I emphasize 2 over 1, because I prefer hearing member input over something that's only available to developers. The to-do list in my eyes is simply a way to organize the work, but half of the problems there are outdated anyway.

When school ends, I'll have more time to poke around site code. But seriously, I posted a blog right before V3 was released, asking what bugs people wanted fixed, and nobody gave me any useful leads. Everybody complains, but very few people are willing to actually do the work associated, whether doing the actual bugfixing, or even just listing things off. I was surprised nobody could even do the latter when I asked.

PY 13 years, 4 months ago

I don't think I've ever actively insulted any member of staff, unless you think saying their work has issues is a personal attack. They are, like most of us, busy people, who have better things to do.

While I'd certainly appreciate it if other people would speak for themselves, if you're not "the only one who thinks so", then perhaps this community simply isn't for me anymore. I can't help being passionate about technology and the web, so if that's insulting to you, there you go - what do you want from me? If we don't get on, so what, not everybody gets on.