File Manager Glitch

Posted by Big J on Nov. 3, 2011, 1:25 a.m.

I wonder how soon they plan to fix the ugly "Browse" button glitch.

It's been like that for over a year.


Castypher 13 years, 4 months ago

I understand you feel strongly about technology. That's fine. Everyone has their own way of expressing their opinions. But I don't think it'd kill you to express your opinions in a less imposing way. We all have our opinions, too, and while I don't mind debating, the moment people stop seeing the other person's side, it's no longer an educated debate. I'm not accusing you of anything here, but many technological arguments here turn out that way, no matter who's in them. Most of that is because people feel so strongly about their views that they can't understand why others have their views.

Whether or not you agree with the other person is one thing, whether or not you can at least see their side and understand where they're coming from is another. I'd like to see more of that, and a little less of the hostility due to strong opinions. Yes, this applies to me, too.

This has turned into a bit of a tangent and I'd rather not worsen the situation. Like I said, I think you're a cool guy and I don't really have anything against you. I just had something I've meant to say for a while. Let's not cause more damage than there needs to be.

As for the bug, I'd probably agree with Steven. I visit this site on several browsers and that issue may have something to do with a browser incompatibility. If that's the case, I don't really remember the rule of thumb on which browsers to support.

JuurianChi 13 years, 4 months ago


It's not a Bug, it's a special feature.

I mean, how many file uploads look as crazy as this one?


PY 13 years, 4 months ago

It's easy to take the high ground here, but let's not forget what *started* this debate was me standing up for other people's views. A little ironic for you to accuse me of being blinkered to them, and hostile while doing it. Yes, I was hostile, that's because I think that brushing off bug reports like that is absolutely not something I want to happen in a community I once enjoyed - was it a kneejerk reaction? Yes. Do I regret making it? No, it needs to be said. If that's not acceptable to you, then that's too bad.

re: Browsers, I aim to support >=IE7. I can reproduce the report on the latest FF version, which is certainly >=IE7.

Castypher 13 years, 4 months ago

You forget though, that I'm not talking solely about this situation. It's just what made me want to react. Brushing off bug reports, I agree, isn't really something I'd like to see. But Cyrus isn't our troubleshooter, so I wouldn't necessarily say that him "brushing off" something like this is reason to feel offended.

As far as my hostile actions go, yes, I'm aware I'm acting a little out of line. But I've kept quiet about it through all this time too, and you can't really deny that. When I talk about your hostility, I'm referring to someone voicing their opinion and immediately having you call it stupid. Yes, you do that. That is a very poor debate practice and the reason it bothers me is because when someone brings it up, you mention that it's a debate.

Attacking people in this way is also bad practice (though I wouldn't say it's really all that severe). I admit that, too.

I also can't think of anything else to add to keep myself at least partially on topic.

Alert Games 13 years, 4 months ago

Btw, the input is clickable already, and has been. Just make the submit button hidden and its all good.

Also, id love for the folders to work.

PY 13 years, 4 months ago

I have called ideas stupid, not people. You have a right to your opinion, and I have a right to think it's stupid, I don't see why voicing that is bad when it gets the point that I think it's completely wrong across very well. A person's idea is not the person, and an attack on their idea is not an attack on that person. I'm more than happy to back up my reasoning, but that doesn't change that my reasoning is that the opinion is flat out wrong.

In this specific case, while it's not Cyrus' job to handle bug reports, it's also not his job to silence them so that others don't see it.

Castypher 13 years, 4 months ago

I'm not going to continue to argue about the rest, as I think it's pointless to continue. I see where you're coming from. Nothing else needs to be done.

But as far as Cyrus's actions go, look at it from a different way. Then you can come to a conclusion.

1 - He defronted it because it didn't meet the character limit (personally I wouldn't have, but there are more picky mods than Cyrus, and I'm sure you know that)

2 - His first comment was meant to be humorous (whether or not you may have seen it that way). Everyone knows that 64Digits is full of bugs that take years for people to get around to fixing. That's always been the case. Cyrus wasn't attacking anyone, and anyone who's familiar with our long-running jokes about 64Digits knows that.

Silencing a complaint? Indirectly. I'm not saying I agree with the approach, of course. I'm just putting things into a different perspective. Another view? Maybe Cyrus is annoyed with peoples' continuous complaints and found no reason to keep it up.

If he'd really wanted it "silenced", he'd have removed activity feed updating too, don't you think?

Rez 13 years, 4 months ago

This community has fallen apart.

Alert Games 13 years, 4 months ago

Well, I just ignore the long blocks of text arguing.

JuurianChi 13 years, 4 months ago

^This Blog in tearing us apart!